
2004 Activity Report for the Northeastern Federation of Anarcho-Communists (NEFAC)

Anonyme, Jeudi, Janvier 13, 2005 - 22:22


A report on activities by the Northeastern Federation of Anarcho-Communists (NEFAC) and it's members.

Like always, some collectives have disbanded over the past year (Cipriano Mera in Ottawa, Bad Apple and Roundhouse in Baltimore, Sophia Perovskaia who merged with Class Against Class in Boston, and Firefly in Malden who disbanded), while long term work has enabled smaller collectives to consolidate by recruiting new militants (Punching Out in Toronto, Green Mountain Anarchist Collective in Vermont, La Nuit in Quebec City).

Three new collectives, Impact in Montreal, L'Accolade in Sherbrooke and Les Vas-Nu-Pieds in St-Georges, also joined in Quebec.

Individual members and supporters are still struggling to form or reform functioning collectives in a number of cities (York PA, Peterborough ONT) while a new collective, Nemesis, was just granted supporter status in Baltimore.

NEFAC held two general congresses last year, one in Baltimore and one in Montreal. Congresses are where we review our general strategy, and to strengthen our internal organisation (More on the role of congresses).

Militants are also starting to organise sub-regionally. While for obvious linguistic reasons Quebec NEFAC'ers were the first to set up a 'Quebec Regional Union' a few years back, comrades in the Mid-Atlantic sub-region also started a 'Regional Union' last year to coordinate work between NYC, Philly, Baltimore and New Jersey.

In Boston, a daylong retreat was held by the various NEFAC collectives to review current activity and internal functioning of the local union, and to plan strategy for the future. There is also talk of holding a New England sub-regional meeting down the road.

NEFAC-Montreal and NEFAC-Toronto have been involved in solidarity work with the Mohawk community of Kanesatake (Read more).

NEFAC is still a member of the International Libertarian Solidarity network.

Read the rest, with pictures and links, on our web site (topics covered include: Theoretical development; Agitation and propaganda; Participation in the class struggle; We walk the line; Anti-fascism; Reproductive rights; Immigration; Community struggles).

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