
REPUBLICAN Website: George W. Bush IS wearing a Defibrillator

Anonyme, Mardi, Décembre 28, 2004 - 14:37

Ariel H

The website of Dick Armey, a Republican representative to Congress from Texas, a close Bush ally, and Majority Leader of the House, displays the following post (as of Dec. 28, 2004). This story about the president's heart problems just won't go away, and the presence of it on a REPUBLICAN website lends credence to it.

Basically it says that the president has been wearing a LifeVest defibrillator and that this device is the "bulge" noticed under the president's suit coat during the presidential debates.

Above is a photo showing the LifeVest and the president on two different dates at the debates. For more photos, please see: or a mirror at .

HERE IS THE POST ON REP. ARMEY'S WEBSITE, from and also from .

Howard from Plainfield, NJ
2004-10-14 "The bulge mystery may have been solved. But I'm not happy to report what it appears to have been. Its not good news, and it makes me feel sorry for GWB. (I hope it all works out for him.) Basically, he may have had a stroke.. Some of you may have noticed that the left side of George Bush's mouth appeared 'droopy' in the last debate yesterday evening (Wednesday, Oct 13) Well, there was a lot of speculation about Botox, etc. but some doctors have pointed out that this symptom is consistant with a stroke. Bush may have had a stroke.

A few months ago, according to someone's post to a democratic-leaning site ( Bush was treated for cardiac arrythmia. (the pretzel incident) Now, an analysis of the various 'bulge' photos and input from doctors has pointed the various web detectives to the existence of this device, the "LifeVest" Its almost certain that this medical device is what Bush has been wearing... You can see a photo and description at This can only mean that for some reason, Bush is in serious cardiovascular danger...

"When to Use the LifeVest™ System The LifeVest was designed as an intermediate-term treatment option for people at high risk for sudden cardiac arrest (SCA). Right now, people at a high, short-term risk of SCA are typically monitored in a hospital intensive care (ICU) or coronary care unit (CCU). With monitored beds costing up to $2,000 a day, this option quickly becomes very expensive and is primarily reserved for critical care patients. Patients with a high, long-term risk of SCA are often candidates for an implantable cardioverter defibrillator (ICD), but this option is also expensive (up to $65,000) and requires surgery. According to Morgan Stanley, only one out of six US patients who need an ICD actually get one.* The LifeVest fills the therapeutic gap between hospitalization and an ICD. The LifeVest has the same important characteristics of both an ICU/CCU and the ICD; it continuously monitors the heart and is designed to provide prompt defibrillation when needed. LIFECOR®, Inc. believes that the LifeVest has the potential to become the standard of care for intermediate-term patients. And, in cases when an ICD is not feasible, it also can serve as a longer-term alternative. "

What do people think. I think that there is a significant chance that Bush might drop out of the race and endorse Kerry. Or maybe he is just trying to make it to November, win the election, and then, for health reasons, bow out to our new President, Cheney..."



The president apparently uses a wearable defibrillator, a device to stop heart arrhythmia, as seen in photographs. He has had at least one documented sudden fainting spell and other symptoms of atrial fibrillation (AF) and has a genetic tendency for it. Some observers have noted neurological and psychological irregularities and other evidence of stroke, which is a possible result of AF. Some of these irregularities could be caused by Wernicke-Korsakoff's syndrome, a disease of inveterate alcoholics, or some other organic brain disease. The president has an even stronger genetic predisposition for hyperthyroidism and some symptoms of it, including the heartbeat arrhythmia.

Is Rep. Armey floating a trial balloon on his website: You voted for Bush, you get Cheney?


Is Rep. Armey floating a trial balloon on his website: You voted for Bush, you get Cheney? His website has (12/28/04) an article that says President Bush is at risk of sudden cardiac death.
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