
Religion Is A Legal Tool, Not A Spiritual Tool

Anonyme, Dimanche, Décembre 26, 2004 - 04:29

Clint Clark

Activists and Anarchists who still believe in ghosts, gods, spooks, and spirits, have no idea that the issues in today's civilization, that they fight so hard to resolve, all began as a result of Old Testament religions. Every single one of them. Protesting an issue, and at the same time, praying to a Jewish god (or Allah) to help resolve the same issue, is like trying to "have your cake and eat it too." What you worship is what enslaved you in the first place.

Old Testament religion was, and has remained first and foremost in today's civilization, a legal tool and not a spiritual tool. The spiritual part of Old Testament religions (Judaism, Christianity, Islam, and Mormonism) has been aggressively marketed for centuries to keep the focus off the truth.

To be able to see the truth, you must (1) think like a corporate attorney and (2) set aside a belief in ghosts, gods, spooks, and spirits, for the time it takes you to read this article. If you are able to do this, let's proceed.

A short time ago, in Earth time, about five or six grandpas ago, Europeans (former Roman citizens) came to the North and South American continents. When they arrived, they stole the land from the millions of people who had lived on those continents for thousands of years. The stolen land included all of its resources such as furs and pelts, water, minerals, and lumber, just to name a few. The Europeans used an ancient legal hoax to accomplish this.

Back in Mesopotamia, before landownership had been invented, two armies would fight over who would become the ruler of a large area of land, along with the people who lived on the land. The winning army would usually kill off the opposing army as best they could and make slaves of the rest. The winning army might have 200,000 members. However, the non-military people on this newly acquired land, might total as much as 5 to 6 times that number; about 1,200,000. It would have been impossible for the new ruler's army to police a population of that magnitude, and at the same time, protect its new borders.

There needed to be a way to convince 1,200,000 people within the ruler's protected borders, not to revolt. How? By making the conquered people think that their conqueror was the new legal owner of the land. So how does one do this, at this time in history? There are no courts or land records. There are no land deeds to be purchased. Where does one go, at this time in history, to get legal approval to own land? One goes to the highest recognized legal authority at that time; a god.

However, not even a god can grant legal ownership of something that they did not own in the first place. There are rules that must be followed when it comes to the ownership of property; rules that any ordinary and uneducated person can relate to. When a potter makes a pot, he has the right to do with it what he wants, including selling it to you or giving it to you. When a basket weaver makes a basket, he has the right to do with it what he wants, including selling it to you or giving it to you. When a god makes a planet, he has the right to do with it what he wants, including selling it to you, charging you just to use it, or giving it to you. The most important rule of property ownership is, as the maker of an item, you can do with it as you please.

Let's move ahead in time to Cyrus king of Persia, October, 539 BCE, and read how he used the ancient legal hoax of property ownership. From Ezra Chapter 1 verses 2-11:

"This is what Cyrus king of Persia says: The LORD, the God of heaven, has given me all the kingdoms of the earth and he has appointed me to build a temple for him at Jerusalem in Judah. Anyone of his people among you-may his God be with him, and let him go up to Jerusalem in Judah and build the temple of the LORD, the God of Israel (but not the world), the God who is in Jerusalem (only). And the people of any place where survivors may now be living are to provide him with silver and gold, with goods and livestock, and with freewill offerings for the temple of God in Jerusalem."

Actually, if you read the original Cyrus' Cylinder, kept safely in the British Museum, London, England, you will find out that Cyrus, king of Persia, never said what the Old Testament claims he said (above). However, that does not matter. What matters is what the Jewish Ruling Class (the Levites), told to their Jewish Worker Bee Class to keep them submissive and obedient. And that was, that the god of heaven gave Cyrus all the kingdoms of the Earth. And of course, using the most important rule of property ownership, the Jewish LORD god made the earth in six days, therefore, he can do with it what he pleases, which includes giving it to Cyrus king of Persia.

As an added incentive, the Worker Bees are also promised a reward for their submissiveness, cooperation, and obedience in this unknown land ownership hoax; something that costs the Ruling Class nothing to offer.

In exchange for not questioning or possibly organizing a revolt against the Jewish Ruling Class or Cyrus of Persia, immortality in a place of great beauty, love, and peace, where one can be reunited with dead loved ones is offered as a reward, when they die. In other words, a heaven. You now be thinking like both a corporate attorney and corporate Director of Finance. Because, once you own the land without fear of reprisal, you can now control the people on the land. Unless they figure out it was all a hoax and take the land back, they will always be the slave of the Ruling Class.

Now you know the truth behind Old Testament religions. No one on our planet ever had the legal right to own land that belongs to all indigenous life on Earth. Yet, we have all been so domesticated (brainwashed) based on Old Testament religions using ghosts, gods, spooks, and spirits, that we dare not think of possibly losing our promised reward of an eternity in heaven. We are afraid that the original property owner (a Jewish god planet making hoax), will be angry with us and reject us if we do not believe that they exist.

Do you really believe we live in a modern world? If you take away all the technology that was invented after the destruction of the Second Temple in Jerusalem, we are still the same frightened and ignorant Worker Bees operating and toiling under the same hoax that our ancestors were, two thousand years ago. I guess our children and our grandchildren will just end up like us; slaves to an ancient, illegal, cruel hoax, and a tool of the Ruling Class; used to rape for the sake of wealth, both humankind and Mother Earth. And, regardless of the modern technology we come up with, or the planets we travel to in the future, as long as civilization perpetuates and financially supports Old Testament religions, we will remain a truly primitive, ignorant, superstitious, and freedom-less society at our most basic level.

Do you want to save the planet? Do you want to save us? Do you want to save our future generations of children? It's very easy and requires no traveling to march, picket, or protest. You don't even have to make a sign to hold up. Immediately, without even the slightest guilt, considering the hoax that was played on you, stop giving any money to an Old Testament religious organization. Take them out of your will. Donate nothing to them. Reduce their cash flow to zero worldwide and in less than ten years, they will have to give up. And after that occurs, we can work on how to rectify this Earth (land) ownership hoax with the Ruling Class.

Related Reading:
Guns, Germs, and Steel by Pulitzer Prize Winning Author Jared Diamond, Ph.D
Liberating The Caged Human Animal by Dr. Peter Hercules M.D.

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