
Fighting Canadian Immigration for Legal Rights

Anonyme, Mardi, Décembre 14, 2004 - 21:33


An american political activist incarcerated by CIC and RCMP

After the anti-RNC protests I decided to leave the US for good and left on my bicycle for Canada. The 350 mile ride was tranquil and quite except for the flag waving pro-war cars that passed by. I am a poor activist and didn't have the required ID or proof of work, or insurance or income to enter Canada. My primary concern upon hitting the border was escaping the United States, previously I had received threats from Islamic fundamentalist groups, and right wing Americans for my various activities on issues that they disagreed with. Additionally, the FBI sent out an erroneous terrorist threat regarding the work I and many others had done on Jail Solidarity with Jeff Luers (see, with a broad brush labeling all of us eco-terrorists and a threat to peace, when in fact we were all working via legal means to defend Jeff Luers from inhumane punishment that didn't fit his crime.

Without the adequate means to cross into Canada legally, I decided that direct action was needed and crossed through a farmers field. Unfortunately, it was very dark and I fell and broke my ankle with my bike on my back. Needless to say with the new heat sensors and video surveillance that the US has on the border, and even though I was in Canada when the US Border Patrol was tracking me, I was arrested after three abortive efforts of flushing me out of the fields by the Canadian Border cops.

I was arrested by Canadian Customs were upon arrest I asked to be a refugee but was ignored by the police against their own regulations. I was then criminally investigated by the RCMP and charged with the crime of "failure to report to a customs agent". I went to court the next day in St. Jean Quebec and was sentenced to 28 days in prison. I also again stated I wanted to be a refugee to the RCMP and the request was ignored. In court I testified that I did what I did to escape the United States, that I as a Muslim felt no longer safe and that my civil rights were being trampled on and considered the US an imperialist state fighting an illegal war against all Muslims, even us anarcho-muslims. I plead guilty and began my prison term.

I was first incarcerated in Sorel Prison, I quickly found myself in an unusual circumstance of not understanding anything that was being said as Quebec is solidly French. I was then transferred to Bordeaux prison in Montreal and finished out my sentence. I met alot of interesting people in Prison, including a Afghani Ismaili Muslim.

Before I was released from prison I was interogated by one of those infamous Joint Task Force on Terrorism (JTFT) on my beliefs as a Muslim and my criticism of the United States they assumed I was a supporter of Terrorism because I was critical of the United States. It's interesting that the US has the power to pressure Canada to accept a FBI sponsored JTFT on it's soveriegn soil. I explained my beliefs and they seemed to indicate that that was acceptable to them and they needn't worry about me. However, I have reason to believe that upon deportation to the US they will be on my trail again since I am an activist.

Then I was transferred to the Canadian Immigration authorities where I quickly claimed refugee status based on political repression in the United States. I was then incarcerated at the Federal prison facilities at Laval, called Center for the Prevention of Immigration. It is basically a minimum security prison. I was incarcerated there for two months. I am currently out on bail and living somewhere in Canada. I have received threats and intimidation for my legal activities. However, I will not back down for advocating for what I advocate. I believe strongly that No One is Illegal not in the US, not in Canada, not anywhere. I am facing possible re-incarceration on Wednesday. If you would like to receive updates on this case or help in my legal fight for Canadian citizenship and not be deported to the United States where I believe I will be unjustly targeted by the FBI and the JTFT system, email I have a local Canadian support network which will contact you. As well there are people in San Francisco you can network with in my defense.

I will have a refugee hearing in a couple months. I will be fighting deportation to the United States continually.

Fight to Win!



p.s. i will not be resonding to any venom filled comments here.

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