
A Fundraiser for the anti-Bush mobilizations on November 30 in Ottawa!

Anonyme, Jeudi, Novembre 25, 2004 - 13:57

THIS SATURDAY!! November 27th
4518 Papineau (just north of Mount Royal, in the alleyway Genereux) 8pm $5
at the door
***All proceeds go to funding buses from Montreal to Ottawa***

(Please post and forward widely)

A Fundraiser for the anti-Bush mobilizations on November 30 in Ottawa!

THIS SATURDAY!! November 27th
4518 Papineau (just north of Mount Royal, in the alleyway Genereux) 8pm $5
at the door
***All proceeds go to funding buses from Montreal to Ottawa***
1-Speed Bike (Whacky Boogie Beats)
Mossman (Massive Dub)
DJ Dexter X
DJ Tashish (Funky Electro Beats)
Al-Sharouq (Traditional Palestinian music)
Ian Ferrier (Spoken Word)

and more!!

Come out and shake your ass against the biggest asshole around. No Bush
up in Ottawa! No Bush up in this Jam!

**Party is BYOB** This is a smoke-free environment.

For more info, contact, or call 931-2377.

(Protest callout)

George W. Bush, commander-in-chief of the US Army and international war
criminal, has confirmed his plans to visit Ottawa on November 30 and
December 1st 2004. The Canadian government, headed by Paul Martin, is
preparing a warm welcome for him, showing its true colors as a willing
ally to a terrorist regime and its imperial adventures. Corporate Canada
and its family of war profiteers are salivating in anticipation of a t괥

Iraq. Palestine. Haiti. Afghanistan. Colombia. Venezuela. Turtle Island.
USA. At the borders. Right where you are and around the world, people are
waging battles for survival, dignity, freedom and justice against U.S.
military and economic offensives and proxy wars.

We can do no less.

On November 30 and December 1st 2004, we will make the most of the
opportunity to confront the Bush and Martin administrations on their
murderous policies, so thinly disguised as a "security agenda." Wherever
they go and wherever they try to hide, we will be there: the resistance
inside the walls of Fortress North America.

For more info on how to get a spot on the bus to Ottawa, and the
demonstrations being planned, call 514-931-2377, or email

No to Bush!

Dossier G20
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Centre des médias Alternatifs Toronto

Media Co-op Toronto

Toronto Community Mobilization
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