A Fundraiser for the anti-Bush mobilizations on November 30 in Ottawa!Anonyme, Jeudi, Novembre 25, 2004 - 13:57 (Analyses) =========================== (Please post and forward widely) A Fundraiser for the anti-Bush mobilizations on November 30 in Ottawa! =========================== and more!! Come out and shake your ass against the biggest asshole around. No Bush **Party is BYOB** This is a smoke-free environment. For more info, contact i...@education-action.net, or call 931-2377. ----------------------------------------- George W. Bush, commander-in-chief of the US Army and international war Iraq. Palestine. Haiti. Afghanistan. Colombia. Venezuela. Turtle Island. We can do no less. On November 30 and December 1st 2004, we will make the most of the For more info on how to get a spot on the bus to Ottawa, and the
No to Bush!
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