
Support the APOC Defendants

Anonyme, Mercredi, Octobre 27, 2004 - 14:52

Illegal Voice

Support the APOC codefendants from the November 16, 2003 attack* by the NYPD.

The eight people are still facing serious charges; jury selection for the trial is scheduled for December. See below for sample letter to the district attorney - please send one and pass it along to supporters. These are bullshit charges intended to keep people of color "in line." We are witnessing the same fucked up tactics that have been used to intimidate folks for far too long. Is this the only way of showing support? Of course not, but it helps.

*Case background and updates at

Mr. Charles Hynes Kings County District Attorney 350 Jay Street Brooklyn, NY 11201

District Attorney Charles Hynes,

I am sending you this letter to demand that you drop the charges against the eight people who were charged and have been going through the nearly year-long pretrial process as a result of the attack by 77th Precinct police officers on November 16, 2003.

As you may know, this attack occurred on that morning at the Critical Resistance office on 968 Atlantic Avenue during a community celebration which was interrupted by yet another example of violence by officers of the 77th Precinct. This is yet another instance where no illegal activity nor suspicion of such was happening. Many officers attacked over 30 people at that community event with their night sticks and chemical agents. Once again, the officers of the 77th Precinct were acting as the criminal agents in this community of color.

Clearly communities of color in New York City have long expected such violent behavior from the NYPD, but we demand that you not continue this charade and drop the charges now.

We ask that you do your job by being accountable to the people you were elected to provide protection for, that you stop wasting tax payers' money in prosecuting community folks who were attacked by the NYPD, and that you stop protecting the corrupt and violent 77th Precinct in its attacks against our communities.

We look forward to your response soon!


Name Address

Dossier G20
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