Northern Gaza Strip Transformed into Open Area for Killing and DestructionAnonyme, Dimanche, Octobre 17, 2004 - 01:34
" .. 33 Palestinians, 23 of whom are civilians, including 7 children and a mentally disabled man, were killed by Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF). 27 of the victims were killed during the Israeli offensive on the northern Gaza Strip .. " 33 Palestinians, 23 of whom are civilians, including 7 children and a mentally disabled man, were killed by Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF). 27 of the victims were killed during the Israeli offensive on the northern Gaza Strip. One of the victims was a schoolchild who was killed while sitting on her desk and another child who was willfully shot dead. Israeli troops conducted a series of incursions into Palestinian areas in the West Bank and Gaza Strip. 23 houses were destroyed and 156 donums of agricultural land were razed in the Gaza Strip. Houses were raided and dozens of Palestinian civilians were arrested. 3 houses were destroyed in the West Bank in the context of retaliatory measures against families of Palestinian activists. Continued shelling of residential areas and civilian facilities; a Palestinian child was killed and a number of other civilians were injured. Construction of the “Annexation wall
PCHR Weekly Report Oct 7th - 13th
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