
And now a word from our sponsors

Anonyme, Mardi, Octobre 12, 2004 - 15:55

It's been a couple of weeks since the opulent masturbatory orgy that was the Recorprecon National Convention ended and yet the hangover refuses to go away. Maybe the Kool-Aid was spiked, I don't know for sure what it was, but something wasn't right, maybe it was Ecstasy. The crowd swelled to near fanatical fervor by means of petulant self-gratifying slogans and sound bites provided by the finest P.R. spinners the "B" team and their seemingly endless slush fund could buy. The Bushshites rocked the house with the stirring strains of "Taking Care of Business" and the assembled cult of Pimps, Panderers, Prostitutes and the requisite assorted groupies swayed together in perfect time, each sharing a wink and a nod knowing that it was true.

It's been a couple of weeks since the opulent masturbatory orgy that was the Recorprecon National Convention ended and yet the hangover refuses to go away. Maybe the Kool-Aid was spiked, I don't know for sure what it was, but something wasn't right, maybe it was Ecstasy. The crowd swelled to near fanatical fervor by means of petulant self-gratifying slogans and sound bites provided by the finest P.R. spinners the "B" team and their seemingly endless slush fund could buy. The Bushshites rocked the house with the stirring strains of "Taking Care of Business" and the assembled cult of Pimps, Panderers, Prostitutes and the requisite assorted groupies swayed together in perfect time, each sharing a wink and a nod knowing that it was true.

Meanwhile out on the street protestors numbering in the tens of thousands, (and some say many more) assembled to voice their opposition to a wide range of Bush policies, all the while being kept safely away from the frenzied mob at Madison Square Garden for their own protection. Who knew what bizarre rituals or strange rites of passage might be going down, deep in the dark inner sanctum of R.N.C. central? Some said there was a heavily muscled High Priest of Austrian decent there, perhaps to conduct ritual sacrifices. No one can really be sure, although it is rumored that he did say something about looking for "girly men" or some such weirdness. Who really knows what might go on beyond the prying eyes of the uninvited and uninitiated at one of these High Octane R.N.C. Party Line Raves?

We can however rest assured that palms were greased, donors were stroked, alliances were made and deals were struck in that cesspool of excess, greed and corruption, where insanity bred of power, privilege and contempt becomes a drug. Make no mistake about it though, amateurs aren't working this crowd, pushers like Dick Cheney and Carl Rove have been working this mob for years, toss 'em a bone once in a while and they're hooked. And sadly enough some stay hooked for life. While this may sound dire and beyond redemption, there is hope, we can act preemptively, we can take the initiative and do an intervention. Then perhaps these poor souls may be saved from the G.O.P. monkey on their collective backs.

So as the mob swayed in unison and the protesters were protected, N.Y.C was locked down under a heightened terror alert color Orange. We were all assured the we were safer than ever because of George's war on terror. We were all told that the economy was stronger than ever despite deficit spending in the billions and the millions of unemployed. That Operation Iraqi Liberation ( O-I-L ) was going well, despite the fact nearly 1000 U.S solders and an untold number of innocent Iraqi civilians have died. Even as the mob swayed, more died. The short list of close Bush-Cheney business associates keep showing up in the news, you know, Ken who? Or how about, there are no ties between myself and Halliburton.. Heck no we haven't gouged on the price of fuel or charged for troop meals that were never served, that's what you call honor among thieves.

However the viable alternative is far from proving to me that there's much of a difference between Demacons and Recorpracons. The Dems have been in lock step with Bush's agenda and have blindly rubber stamped his misbegotten policy blunders, just more of the same ol' Skull and Bones. So while voting from the heart may mean to you going with a third party (Nader) and I for one lamentably made that mistake in 2000's selection, now is not the time. We must break the growing trend of G.O.P dominance in national policy, so vote with your head, stop the madness, vote for Kerry and maybe in the ensuing four years changes can be made. If not changes at least stem the flow. Your Grandchildren are beholden... And now a word from our Sponsors... Well here we go, kids, it's that time again! It's time to play "Lets Bullshit the Electorate" the family fun game that can be played by young and old alike. Brought to you this year by the folks at Enron, Halliburton, Brown and Root and the good folks at Raytheon where "We help you blow up things, all right!"
And Hey!! Lets not forget the guys that made the last four years possible, the good folks of the G.O.P. Lets give 'em all a big hand!! And speaking of big hands, where would we be today without the big hand the Supreme Court and Florida's own Governor Jeb Bush gave our winner in 2000's contest. Come on, let's give 'em a big round of applause!!

As you know this is a special game that only gets played every four years. It's the game where corporate America and the residents of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue try their best to pull the wool over the eyes of the voting public in an attempt to retain control of the much coveted "Reins of Power" for another four years.

The winner of the contest is awarded an all expense paid, all you can eat seat at the public trough for his family and closest friends generously provided by ... (Drum roll please) that's right - you, the American taxpayer! That's four years complete with luxury accommodations in four star suites around the world and free unlimited executive air transportation to destinations of his choosing.
Sound too good to be true? Well that's not all, nothing's too good for our commander and thief so how about the ability to double his own well deserved salary and as an added bonus he will receive the powers of "executive privilege" to help him through those delicate times when full disclosure and transparency might be inconvenient all that coupled with immunity from prosecution from a long list of crimes should make that four years a time to remember.

And for the year 2004 George Bush and his carefully chosen team of movers and shakers and image makers are hard at work chasing photo ops and sound bites designed specifically to sway your vote. All that combined with spun facts, half truths, out right lies and the biggest war chest of any incumbent President in history, should provide us with the most entertaining election day ever!! Will it be a "Slam Dunk"? Or will it be close down to the wire? That's up to you and me folks, when the time comes take the time to take your turn and vote.

Keith Hupp

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