
Communiqué of the Alternative Bookshop

Anonyme, Dimanche, Octobre 3, 2004 - 14:09

Alternative Bookshop collective

We, the Alternative Bookshop collective, are writing to clarify a previous
statement in our last communiqué in which we stated that " Whereas our
revolutionary potential has been sucked dry by the capitalists and cops
masquerading as anarchists in the AEELI " Taken in a literal sense, this
is a mistake. We didn't mean to suggest that members of the Aeeli were
literally capitalists and cops. We retract that statement.

We do, however, feel as though much of the actions and attitudes taken by
the Aeeli has been hostile & authoritarian, and is eerily similar to
behaviour often seen among capitalist landlords and the authorities. It is
not the kind of thing that we should have to face from other anarchists,
and it is sad and maddening to see so much energy focused on such
destructive actions.
We view many of the actions undertaken by the Aeeli to be incredibly
malicious and hierarchical. The process of public slander leading to our
eviction was oppressive and domineering and goes against so much of what
we consider to be essential in anarchist organizing. This is unacceptable,
and it is in that spirit that we issued the communiqué after our eviction,
and we stand by the rest of it.
As members of the activist community we are often plagued with reflections
of oppressive patterns & problems that we see every day. We stand against
this oppression in every situation, including our fight against the
actions taken by the Aeeli.
> In Solidarity,
>The Alternative Bookshop collective

Dossier G20
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