
By Any Means...?

Anonyme, Mercredi, Septembre 15, 2004 - 08:06


Words that the Original Peoples need to remember and overstand in north amerikkkanada -- nothing different than what Garvey, Elijah Muhammad, Malik Shabaaz, Leonard Peltier, Huey Newton, Fred Hampton.... have said and said and said and said until along came the spoilers to silence them...

Words that the Original Peoples need to remember and overstand in north amerikkkanada -- nothing different than what Garvey, Elijah Muhammad, Malik Shabaaz, Leonard Peltier, Huey Newton, Fred Hampton.... have said and said and said and said until along came the spoilers to silence them --

"If you were in my place you would do the same, fight the occupation, kick them out, fight for independence"
-- Muqtada al-Sadr

peace to anthany dawson (21 Sep 1969 - 13 Aug 99)

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