
New anarchist bookstore

Anonyme, Lundi, Août 16, 2004 - 21:32
2004-08-24 17:00
2004-08-24 22:00

Casa Obscura
4381 rue Papineau

To all anarchists in Montreal interested in the
dissemination of anarchist ideas :

We, the members of the AEELI, invite you to
participate in the founding of a new anarchist
bookstore, to be located on the ground floor of the
AEELI`s building, which belongs to the anarchist
milieu of Montreal.

The founding assembly will take place on Tuesday,
August 24, at 6:00 PM at the Casa Obscura, 4381 rue

Long Live Anarchy!

À tous et toutes les libertaires de Montréal intéresséEs par la
diffusion des idées libertaires :

Nous, membres de l'AEELI, vous invitons à participer à
la fondation d'une nouvelle librairie anarchiste qui
sera logée au rez-de-chaussée du bâtiment de l'AEELI,
possession du milieu anarchiste de Montréal.

L'assemblée de fondation aura lieu le mardi 24 août 18h à la Casa obscura, située au 4381 Papineau.

Vive l'anarchie!

More info on the AEELI
Mar, 2004-08-17 11:30

The AEELI is the Association des Espèces d'Espaces Libres et Imaginaires (Association of Kinds of Free and Imaginary Spaces) ; concretely, it manages the building being at 2033 St-Laurent in Montreal, which belongs to Montreal's anarchist movement. Its membership has been opened up since a few months to the whole of the anarchist milieu, and includes at present representatives/delegates from Le Trouble, La Commune (NEFAC), Mauvaise Herbe, La Sociale/CDL, Groupe Communiste Libertaire, Maikan, RASH and several individuals.

You can contact the AEELI by e-mail at the address

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