

Anonyme, Mardi, Août 3, 2004 - 03:47

Asociación Diáspora Vasca

Communiqué from the Asociación Diáspora Vasca inviting you to sign on behalf of the freedom of the six Basques nationalists detained for over a year in Mexico.

The Asociación Diáspora Vasca, nationalist collective with presence in more that 20 countries, calls out to the international community to sign a petition to free the Basque citizens Asier Arronategi (Mexican by naturalization), Jon Artola, Axun Gorrotxategi, Joseba Urkijo, Felix Garcia and Ernesto Alberdi, illegally detained for over a year at the Reclusorio Norte in Mexico City.

Pending against them there is an extradition request to the Mexican Government by the Spanish Audiencia Nacional, an institution heir to the Franco era Tribunal de Orden Publico and used by the Spanish Government to persecute Basque nationalism.

To sign, please access the address provided here:
The petition and all the signatures will in turn be delivered to Mexican President Vicente Fox.

The case against these six Basque citizens, initiated as a result of a political and law enforcement deal, is plagued with blatant irregularities, among them, the manipulation of documents by the Spanish Ambassador. If the extradition takes place and they are sent to Spain, they would be in the hands of a state that, as indicated by the UN’s Committee Against Torture, Amnesty International and numerous world-wide organizations, tortures the Basque prisoners both physically and psychologically.

To the dignity of Mexico.

To the solidarity among nations.

Free the six Basque nationalist prisoners!

Asociación Diáspora Vasca

Dossier G20
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