
apostates of islam against american barbarism

Anonyme, Vendredi, Juillet 30, 2004 - 04:04


"The apostates of Islam who demonise Islam and Muslims are either His master voice of Zionist killers or fake or Ignorant apostates hired by Child-molester Christain fundamentalists"



The apostates of Islam who demonise Islam and Muslims are either His master voice of Zionist killers or fake or Ignorant apostates hired by Child-molester Christain fundamentalists

Islam is like any other religion as Christainty, Judaism etc

Apostates of Islam should dissociate themselves from American terrorism
and condemn american imperialism

by doing so they can promote civil rights of
non-Muslim minorities in Muslim countries.

The world cannot be painted in black and white

Not all infidels and apostates are with "U.S"

Some work against American terrorism

Not all believers(Muslims) are anti-American

Some are agents//stooges//pupets of America and C.I.A

We apostate of Islam agree with Al-Qaeda in principle:

  1. That those who distinguish between America and Isreal are the real enemies of humanity.

  2. That the white House gangsters are the biggest butchers of this age.

  3. That U.N.O is nothing but a tool of crime and instrument of subjugation of developing countries.

  4. That the war on terrorism is imperialist, fascist, racist christian crusade against Islam and war for profit.

  5. That the pro-American stooges/pupets/agents are the real enemies of Asians.

  6. That hundred percent of "Saudization of work force" in Saudi Arbia is in the interests of Arabs.

  7. We apostates of Islam endorse Al-Qaeda’s WADIWAG (What America does is what America gets) policy against American terrorism on the condition that Al-Qaeda shall observe restraint and shall not indulge in indiscriminate, irresponsible and disproportionate use of force and shall keep collateral damages to the minimum and shall not destroy civilian infrastructure in Asian countries.


Apostate No. 1

Self-appointed P.R.O. (Public Relation Officer) of Apostates

What is real Islam?

Understanding political islam

Why I renounced Islam

Religion as terrorism

Is american imperialism international terrorism

Three america’s

Satirical articles on American terrorism

I am a god.

I create a world for your eyes and ears.

I create, and you criticize.

I can amerce you in a place as familiar as your own home, or as alien as a distant world.

I can show you your dreams and your nightmares.

I can show you the past, the present or the future.

I can choose your hero and plot for your villain.

I can control every element, the love, and the hate; who lives and who dies.

I am the omnipotent poet who suffers for his art.

Some drown in their own madness or take in the B>toxins.

I sit alone in the darkness, observing the chaos and madness of the world.

And thus the madness and the chaos give way to creation.

This is genesis.

The story unfolds before you.

Triumph and tragedy running hand in hand.

Now you see your fantasy and fear.

All is propaganda, but you believe it to be true.

What you experience is a masterpiece, a collaboration of art, technology and the human mind.

It is my world, and it is my creation.




There you are.

You're not hard to find.

You're the walking billboard sign.

Decked out in Benjamin worthy Nikes

and logos that can be seen at 100 paces.

I know your brand names before I see your faces.


Be like me

Be like me

Be like me

Be like me

Be like me.

I know you

I've seen your face before

I've seen a million just like you

I know your game,

Your claim to fame,

You are conformity,


You are a lie.

Your motto

Be like me or die!

Your dream of simplicity

One plan

One mind

One opinion

One truth

I am not you

The conformist,

The extremist,

The follower.

I am the holdout

The solo act,

The one that does not bow to the masses.





I see the hate and fear in your eyes

If only you would take a look and realize the lies that lie behind your eyes.

the holder of the scripture is the breeder of hate.

He fills you with the misinformation, falsification And fabrication.

you take the bait.

The hate spreads lIke a virus.

A neurological disease

I am now a demon to the world.

If only you would take A look and realize the lies that lie behind your faithful eyes.

poetry by Michael Pain

<center> <P><IMG SRC="" WIDTH=600 HEIGHT=60></P> <h2><b>Apostates of all countries unite!</b></h2></center>

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