Venezuela: The Spatial-Temporal Chains of Illusionfranzjutta, Lundi, Juillet 5, 2004 - 15:54 (Analyses | Guerre / War)
Franz J. T. Lee
Concerning the Global Positioning System and Weapons of Mass Destruction "The winning weapon of the American assault on Iraq, like that of World War II, depended on a technology first imagined by Einstein, with some help from Poincare. Not nuclear weapons of mass destruction, but the Global Positioning System, by which the four dimensions of space-time can be so precisely measured as to direct a bomb or a soldier to within 50 feet of any spot on earth." Definitely, if here in Mérida, Venezuela, we could discover Juyá, a planet, rotating beyond Pluto, then surely we could easily develop a Real, Original Science and a True, Authentic Philosophy of the Bolivarian Revolution, directed against the global horror and terror, against the "awestruck" of the White House, the Pentagon, NASA and NATO, against any global positioning system or weaponry. As "starting point", it is worthwhile to note that long before Einstein, Poincare and Tesla, Immanuel Kant has made us aware of something very significant within the universal fatherland, something really fit for future celestial, transgalactic, emancipatory endeavours. As we know, Adolf Hitler made it very clear what precisely is necessary for corporeal exploitation and mind domination: If you want to control a people, control its education! Thus, as consequence of centuries of colonial and neocolonial "education" and "religious conversion", obviously, today the Metropolis won't even need "awestruck", or painstakingly directed mortal uranium depleted cluster-bombs to control and punish its rebellious physical labour forces. However, taking into consideration the fact, that today the US Armed Forces have to employ even mortal arms of mass destruction in Iraq and soon in Latin America, and probably in Colombia and Venezuela, this indicates that somehow the mental holocaust backfired, and that the terrorist chickens are coming home to roost. Venezuela: The Spatial-Temporal Chains of Illusion "The winning weapon of the American assault on Iraq, like that of World War II, depended on a technology first imagined by Einstein, with some help from Poincare. Not nuclear weapons of mass destruction, but the Global Positioning System, by which the four dimensions of space-time can be so precisely measured as to direct a bomb or a soldier to within 50 feet of any spot on earth." Definitely, if here in Mérida, Venezuela, we could discover Juyá, a planet, rotating beyond Pluto, then surely we could easily develop a Real, Original Science and a True, Authentic Philosophy of the Bolivarian Revolution, directed against the global horror and terror, against the "awestruck" of the White House, the Pentagon, NASA and NATO, against any global positioning system or weaponry. As "starting point", it is worthwhile to note that long before Einstein, Poincare and Tesla, Immanuel Kant has made us aware of something very significant within the universal fatherland, something really fit for future celestial, transgalactic, emancipatory endeavours. As we know, Adolf Hitler made it very clear what precisely is necessary for corporeal exploitation and mind domination: If you want to control a people, control its education! Thus, as consequence of centuries of colonial and neocolonial "education" and "religious conversion", obviously, today the Metropolis won't even need "awestruck", or painstakingly directed mortal uranium depleted cluster-bombs to control and punish its rebellious physical labour forces. However, taking into consideration the fact, that today the US Armed Forces have to employ even mortal arms of mass destruction in Iraq and soon in Latin America, and probably in Colombia and Venezuela, this indicates that somehow the mental holocaust backfired, and that the terrorist chickens are coming home to roost. Nonetheless, this modern fascist terror, this "war of the ideas", is not a brilliant historic discovery of modern Corporate America -- already Plato in his "Republic" and his "Doctrine of Ideas" -- fundamental for the development of Roman Catholicism, for the Inquisition -- made all future philosopher-kings aware of this cock-sure social ideological weapon; meanwhile, across the millennia, already billions have been "Westernized", "Civilized", "Christianized", "formed", "deformed" and "informed", precisely via ruling class dissocialization, denaturalization, "education" and patriarchal religious conversion. Socially, consciously, the intellectual result -- as can be witnessed globally, that is, in the context of contemporary infowarfare, especially here in Venezuela across the mass media of the "opposition" -- is simply fatal for the very human species. Especially for the physically labouring, obsolete billions of "uncivilized non-human beings". Very few thinkers seem to notice the real mental holocaust, the destruction of the human mind. Practically nobody speaks about mental massacres, intellectual genocide. To be able to do this, it would be necessary to see how across fatherly space and time we were permanently bamboozled from the cradle to the grave, from morning till night, perfectly indoctrinated and manipulated, especially with formal-logical, enslaving space and time categories, with universal, unilateral motion and movement. But, talking about the Intellect, Verstand, already Kant, but also Hegel, and other bourgeois European philosophers of the Enlightenment, threw bright light on something that is imperative for any real, true, future revolutionary and emancipatory processes, for any transcendental exodus from the current exploitative closed labour system. Precisely the phenomena Space and Time are not natural, are not objectively real, they do not exist independent of the human mind, of society; de facto, they are just philosophic categories, inventions and creations of the ruling intellect, of ruling class mind, of Reason alias Capital, for production purposes, for exploitation, domination, discrimination, militarization and alienation. They are parameters of the Socratic, Thanatos drive, of spatial-temporal Death, of Rest in Peace; the only way to die on Earth, in the labour world, is within Space and Time parameters, within these universal limitations, within here and there, within before, and thereafter. Worse even, as a result of equal, unequal and combined dialectical, historical development, practically nobody lives in the hic et nunc, in the here and now, for example, in Deppenhausen, Germany, on the 6th of the 6th month of 6666, at 6.06:06 pm. Hence, everybody knows that a uranium depleted cluster-bomb, dropped in Iraq, would fall on your head, and would kill you in a specific Space and a determined Time. There is no other way to die, to kill "Arab barbarians". However, what few people know is that capitalist, rational Space and Time parameters and paradigms are the real, true, universal CIA assassins. The State kills millions by social order. On the other hand, because they are the talk of the town, it seems that Orwell, like Big Brother, is everywhere and is immortal, is still very much alive, not even to mention Plato, The Virgen Mary, Jesus Christ and Marx, and all our historic heroes. The future vicxtims of US "Shock and Awe" are now and here already dead. Because of the transhistoric mental holocaust many are alive already dead, are wanted dead or alive. This is a traditional US Wild West Cowboy formula. Because of our wonderful "education", of our exclusive "information", our absolute truths, beliefs and revelations, no matter how hard many of us try to understand the above, its emancipatory quintessence is well-nigh impossible to grasp. Till today with fake spatial and temporal ideological parametersBush is trying to convince the world how he won the presidential elections in Florida, and how "Arab terrorists" blew up the "Twin Towers" in the USA, on September 11, 2002, at 8. xx pm. In reality, completely other transhistoric events took place, for example, the launching of the "Project for a New American Century" However, resuming what has been stated above, Hegel and Kant were not crazy, they were not yet stark "mad cows". The problem is that most of us, thanks to religion and ideology, are already well-conditioned productive, reproductive, docile slaves of formal-logical, official "Space and Time" reaspning, are innocent victims of all sorts of universal master-servant non-relations; unknowingly, because of cruel dissocialization processes, across our youth, many of us have already totally swallowed all genres of spatial-temporal models of culture, norms, traditions and rituals -- especially of production, distribution, consumption, accumulation, profit-mongering and ruthless destruction of nature and society -- have swallowed all, hook, sinker, bait and poisoned shark. The revolutionary demand of the "sigh of the oppressed creature", of the "heart of a heartless world", of the "soul of soulless conditions" (Marx) to give up the illusions of conditions, in reality, is the demand to give up the conditions that require such illusions, to give up the spatial-temporal, absolute-eternal chains of the "opium of the people". A great part of humanity, especially the "damned of the earth", knows no other reality than a virtual spatial-temporal world. We cannot imagine anything different, or even "trifferent". For millions anything else is madness -- for the adherents to the "opposition" in Venezuela, the historical fact, that the Bolivarian Revolution is democratic, just, peaceful and humane, is simply a fairy tale, they know much better, it is "dictatorial and tyrannical" -- this is the logical result of a mental holocaust of more than 40 years in Venezuela, not even to mention the centuries of feudalist Roman Catholic and Protestant indoctrination, of the venom of the private mass media, of the toppled oligarchic classes and of the United States' "war of ideas", as disseminated by CNN. It is high "time", is already the eleventh hour, for true revolutionaries to leave some emancipatory, free "space" in their totally occupied lives, to permit serious intellectual reflection about the above mentioned thoughts; and, consequently, of, by and for themselves, as Authentic Exodus, to try to act, think and transcend this earthly fascist vale of nazi woe by means of exformative excellence, in which Past, Present and Future are just relative, related, transhistoric fleeting moments of human flowing truth, reality and aspirations. With Renaissance, Reformation, Enlightenment and "The Reign of Terror" the emerging bourgeoisie (and proletariat, although betrayed later) forever toppled the decaying nobility and moribund clergy; to be really successful, we have no alternative but to develop something fresh, filled with aurora, with the "alba", something far more omniscient, omnipotent: an extra-original Práxis, an authentic-innovative Theory and excellent, realizable Emancipation, to wipe away Global Fascism from the face of our Milky Way. Now, concerning the gigantic war projects of the USA and other metropolitan powers against humanity, about their bellicose production of arms of mass destruction, of ABCDE weapons, just some pertinent remarks. Prevalent is the global, arrogant, slave-master attitude of the USA, whose current government itself amasses a galaxy of WMD'S, piling them up at home, in Israel, and elsewhere, and then sends inspectors to Arab countries, and thereafter based on empty pretexts, it just bombs countries, like Afghanistan and Iraq, to pieces with the very same WMD's; furthermore, in its genocidal "new wars", it is using low intensity atomic warfare all over the show; at whim and caprice, anywhere it is dropping depleted uranium and the mothers of all bombs, thus, destroying nature and society for generations to come in these regions, transhistorically, annihilating all life on this planet. Speaking in formal-logical terms, over the last five years, constantly, we have informed our comrades about the Philadelphia Experiments, Mkultra, Operation Paper-Clip, the "Manchurian Candidate", HAARP, Pentagon Aliens, Tesla "free energy" technology, Wilhelm Reich's "orgone", scramjets, scalar waves, ELF waves, etc. Also Rebelion.org published an excellent document on all these in Spanish, that summarizes most of the data already published on our web sites. Obviously, in spite of our extreme radicality, our grasping of the global problems at their very root, it seems that even we have not touched the tip of the ice-berg; current global reality is worse. Of course, as always, any other view we respect. Somehow, we also underestimated the bare-faced lies and heinous brutality of homo homini lupus, of ruling class man. He does not amass these WMD for video-games, for the "War of the Galaxies", but, in the last analysis, to eliminate six billion obsolete physical labour forces, and, long ago, he began with this "reduction of the world population" programme already; generations, millions of pariahs, tin-collectors, "niggers", "coolies", "slit-eyes" are already dead, are dying, are being sentenced to death over the next decades. Whoever said: "Know ye the truth, and the truth shall make thee free" touched the core of the matter. We do not say this to scare anybody, to cause capitulation and defeatism. Knowing the Truth is our only weapon to emancipate ourselves. Considering the current events in Venezuela within this global mental and physical holocaust. planned by Euro-American barbarism and savagery, is fundamental to develop the corresponding self-defence, our own revolutionary, práxico-theoretical Emancipation. Currently, in the international class struggle, the very power of the Affirmation of capitalism is equivalent to the force of its own Negation, of Global Anti-Capitalist Emancipation. And, as we know real progress is accomplished by dialectical Negation, by transcending excellence; against global, fascist decadence, surpassing victory is ours.
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