The History of the New World Order movementAnonyme, Mercredi, Juin 30, 2004 - 23:24
Eric James Rainbowlt
So, perhaps now you have seen the Michael Moore movie that scrapes out some surface truth to the American public. Michael Moore seems like an American patriot to some sort of extreme. Sadly, it is just a hollywood-style act. Mr. Moore is still not willing to tell you the hard and ugly truth of the New World Order movement like Alex Jones of infowars.com and others. So, perhaps now you have seen the Michael Moore movie that scrapes out some surface truth to the American public. Michael Moore seems like an American patriot to some sort of extreme. Sadly, it is just a hollywood-style act. Mr. Moore is still not willing to tell you the hard and ugly truth of the New World Order movement like Alex Jones of infowars.com and others. In fact, he is lying to all of you that see his film, right along with the rest of the mass media delivered on your television tonight. It might seem like truth, but when you are only given it in part, it is still a lie. Surely you have heard the phrase "New World Order" or the "global conspiracy" against humanity from the banking elite that currently run the world - once or twice from your friends in the past. If not just go type in "New World Order" into google.com and do a little research into what us researchers around the world are trying to point out. Anyone who is fully enlightened of this would actually get physically ill to sit in front of a television and hear all the lies the whole world currently is hearing and believes in through their televisions. Did not George Orwell in his book, "1984", warn all of us of this just a half century ago? Please recognize this and help to wake others up as well! Well, Michael Moore, not once mentions the New World Order in his film. Yet, it is known by tens of thousands around the world that 9-11 was entirely premeditated by the forces of the New World Order, so for Mr. Moore to totally omit it is to lie by ommission. What it amounts to is an intent to deceive and mullify the public while the globalists help prepare the way for another massive act of terrorism in America again, and the next time might be the last time for America before the UN is given the green flag to completely invade the country. You should understand that this is what the powers that be wish to make happen, the UN, the Illuminati banking overlords, and all the rest. Are Americans going to get together again and read and act upon what is prescribed for us by our country's founders in the Declaration of Independence and throw off this tyrannical government? It does not seem so. The American public has been disempowered, fragmented, demoralized, and made into sheep through all their lies over the past 100 or so years. Economically America has been bankrupted intentionally by the banking elite around the world with their installation of the Federal Reserve which this book will go into great detail explaining how that happened. This country was officially hijacked on December 23rd, 1913 with the formation of the private bank that now commands over Washington DC, the Federal Reserve. Our money is debt-money from a private bank. It does not come from the US treasury. Congress does not govern the money supply in America, private international interests do. These are the facts. The mass media, including Michael Moore, are working together to temporarily passify the masses for the time being by only giving them parts of the truth (to anger, and confuse them, and to herd them all into the equally fake Skull & Bones Kerry camp). But Michael Moore fails to mention any reference to the New World Order movement, the bankers and all the politicians in Washington and around the world who are all going along with this scheme to dupe Americans out of their liberty, their happiness, their children, and their lives. The New World Order desires and plans to to murder 4 Billion of our worldy brothers and sisters, including 100 million Americans in the next few years if not starting in the remainder of 2004. In fact, they have started long ago. You have heard information on where Aids and Ebola were created, haven't you? Of course they are going to lie and psychologically manipulate the public rather than disclose their entirely evil plans directly to you, especially when the People of the World are still buying all their lies. Michael Moore's movie still leaves its audience in a state of bewilderment, anger, and disillusion. Is this a true statement? Of course it is, as I have interviewed several people the same evening they have seen it and this seems to be the general reaction. There is little resolution to be had except to simply eject Bush or vote in his Skull & Bones' cousin John Kerry - and that is not the answer we need. What We need in a publicly manifested International "Nuremburg-Germany-style" Anti-War Court composed of experts of the Illuminati to further disable the evil they are capable of carrying out, including nuclear war on top of biological warfare on the People around the world, and after that, examine the records of the current ruling elite and the entire economic order, which is now virtually running nearly all things in our worldwide society at the time of publication of this book. I ask just one favor from one fellow countryman to another, please read this entire book - even if it speaks of "God" and "New World Order" banking "conpiracies" to dominate the whole planet. Read over the facts of history stated here and make up your own mind if you are going to inform others of this. Here within this book however, it is this author's hope that you will find the framework of the Whole Truth, and we can all again work out this evil root in our society through the ways Jesus Christ taught all of us, through love and forgiveness and the truth of Our God, the One who sent Him, and Our Supreme and Magnificent Righteous King of the Whole Universe. It was after all, all of us, all of God's children together, who over time have participated in and allowed this evil emerge upon our whole world society as it looms over today. We have turned from Him. The bottom line is that: We have forgotten his Word, His Laws, we have forsaken His Love. Now Our Father is preparing to help us throw the beast back into the center of the earth with all that do not repent, turn from their wicked ways, and continue to follow it at the dusk of this prophetic Fourth Kingdom of the Beast. I will say this, America has never been in so much danger as it is right now, especially after August of this year, when the children return to school. In the minds of the ruling elite, the banks Bush speaks of and now pulling all his strings, this War on the People of the entire earth to get their New World Order is still in short order in their terms. They don't plan to stop until they kill off over 4 Billion people on the planet - to be attempted rapidly. Ted Turner of the Cable News empire knows this. He boasted of this in public on several occasions. Does Bush know, yes, just follow chain of command of this "illuminati"-designed private world banking pyramid right to the top. There you will find the international rule elite's plans for hell on Earth starting heavily in America first. We are talking about plagues, the intentional release of pandemic deadly viral and bacteriological plagues. The ruling elite are a problem, third - not Osama, and now fourth, Michael Moore's limited perspective and projection through his film, not the Bush Administration! The first problem is that we as a People around the world have lost our connection with God. It's the whole system and the people who control it at the very top internationally that have turned so abysmally far from God. Why America first? The International banking elite knew they would one day lose their power if they didn't try and do something about it first. America's economy, if not parasitically hijacked through corruption stemming from the core, would destroy their long-running private oligarchy of ruling power over all of humanity. The banking overlords seem to think they own all of earth and think they can take better care of it than The God of All Creation can. How mistaken they are! If you want to learn these truths, the truths that all of us are progressively discovering as a People, then please read over the long history of the world's privately held and controlled banking system explained in Chapter Two of the downloadable 210 page PDF file. Yes, as the Jr. Bush even stated himself in Michael Moore's expose, the "elite" ( see http://www.4rie.com ) or his "banks" run Washington DC as if it was a Chevron or Exxon gas station. They are just admitting it to you now, blatently, through Michael Moore. The author doesn’t recommend anything brought to you through the controlled mass media, including Michael Moore’s film. The answer is not to turn our guns in to the militaries who which to persecute us. The UN is not the solution. Those involved in the media are not working for you – they are working for the elite banking overlord system. The beast is for the first time allowing its face to now be shown to the public, or light cast on them. Restated from above, America is now at a point of more danger than ever before. What is needed, we can all accomplish overnight. We must all turn to God in personal repentance, and let the love of His Son flow through our hearts. At this point, there is no use in getting upset or even angry at Bush or the Administration, God is to cast hellstones upon their heads if it be His Will for their ultimate reward. We alone are not to cast judgment. What we need to do is turn to Our Heavenly Father, and learn to love all our worldly brothers and sisters better, perhaps by informing them that the world banking system overlords now run all things and they have been consistently lied to by them directly through the American Mortgaged Mass Media (those who have sold themselves out like money slaves and prostitutes to the banks), from Hugh Downs on 20/20 and all the way down to your local city news network. The only solution to this is through Christ's love. A true Christian would not lock them up, interrogate them, torture them, threaten their families, or ultimately take their life. A true and pure and faithful Christian would simply forgive them. That is what this author hopes, that they are disempowered, but forgiven so the world can quickly restructure itself under the Our King of the Universe for at least 1000 years of Peace. He knows when to allow all things. He has perfect timing. Do you know His Son?, who is True. If you do, in His name you can ask of Him for anything, and in good faith, it will come true. Let us pray for a quick end to the Trials of the Illuminati and for Peace on Earth here starting as early as late 2004 through to when the beast is thrown back into the Earth completely, near January 1st, 2008 according to the written prophecy of Daniel in Chapter 9 of his book in the Bible. There is also an online version of the book, beyond the PDF file attachment of the book that can be easily mailed around. Again, it contains no mac or pc computer virus; that needs to be continuously pointed out as they are attempting to control the flow of information like this through the fear of computer viruses, that which they don't just fear-monger on the internet about and profit from, they actually produce most of the current ones circulating out there. Please follow this link to the Book disclaimer page. Please open the 210 page PDF file of the book. Thank you, and All Our Thanks and Praise to Our Great heavenly Father and King of the entire universe, who sent his Son here to us to tell us all of this long ago, out of his perfect love for All of Us, Hallowed be His name.... -EJR, Austin, Texas of 911 911Exposed.com , and a well placed link for Alex Jones’ www.infowars.com as well. p.s. Remember when they stated over mass television that Saddam’s army of terror may have a fleet of radio controlled drones that they intend to use to disperse smallpox over America. I remember seeing the article on a Fox News site. Well, they were just planting the lie in your head back then to make you one day think it was possible. It is the forces of the New World Order who wish to spread plague on all seven continents, as is said to occur in prophecy, so they will surely try and surely suffer the eternal consequences. Prepare yourself to best protect you and your family, first spiritually, then just follow your heart.
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