911 & tomorrowcarlzim, Dimanche, Juin 20, 2004 - 18:44
Carl Zimmerman
Arabian Nights in a crystal ball Note my dialogue with an online contact on 911 and what's next: Carl Contact's message #1: Initially when this attack (911) took place I had other views with regards to the "brilliance" of the execution of the attack. As time goes bye I now realized that the treat to use hijacked planes was already known for years. In a CBC documentary on the Taliban aired some months before 911 it was stated clearly by an Afgan 'cab driver' how easy it is to blow up targets in the U.S. He mentioned ramming planes into the Whitehouse. Yet, no action was taken in terms of security precaution. Why? Did the intelligence fraternity facilitated or turn a blind eye to this threat which they knew was coming years ago. Finally, I find it rather amazing when Bush was informed of the attack he remained at the school he was visiting at the time for over five minutes without doing anything. Why? My reply #2: Interesting! Contact's message #3: The situation is getting worst everyday and American and Saudi oil interests are now threatened. The Iraq war has opened a can worms. Perhaps, Bush is not yet aware that military might and strength is not enough to control or run another country. It was interesting to note the views of the so called "neo-conservatives" who previously thought that by invading Iraq the supply of oil will flow and the U.S will gain strategectially by being able to control Saudi Arabia and other Arab countries including Iran. Now, we know that first time in the history of American/Arab relations their elite interests are in jeopardy and the situation has reached a danger point of great concern. Finally, I think four more years of Bush would be the "best gift to the world." |
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