In Venezuela: Siamese Twins of Mind and Thought Controlfranzjutta, Vendredi, Juin 18, 2004 - 09:53
Franz J. T. Lee
Personally, we should not have any problem with the gods of religion; de facto, they do not really bother us, already for millennia they have left us in peace. We cherish autochtonous, real, true, authentically human and sacred sentiments, feelings and emotions, what we detest is the exportation of feudalist, absolutist, authoritarian beliefs by colonial conquest, that replaced the above with alienating spectres that mainly serve pacifist, oppressive, repressive and depressive interests and ends. Very easily we can study the transhistoric evolution of the father of most Western European religions, that is, Roman Catholicism, from Plato to Plotinus, to the Neo-Platonists, to St. Augustine, to Marc Aurel, to Seneca, to Epitectus, across St. Thomas Aquinas and the Great Fathers of the Church, to the Dominican Order, to the Inquisition, to the burning stake, to the murder of philosophers like Giordano Bruno. We can also investigate how Mother Mary wiped out the goddess Diana and her temples, and how the Conquista religion replaced authentic goddesses and gods, destroyed "pagan" worship and beliefs of the colonized peoples. Personally, we should not have any problem with the gods of religion; de facto, they do not really bother us, already for millennia they have left us in peace. We cherish autochtonous, real, true, authentically human and sacred sentiments, feelings and emotions, what we detest is the exportation of feudalist, absolutist, authoritarian beliefs by colonial conquest, that replaced the above with alienating spectres that mainly serve pacifist, oppressive, repressive and depressive interests and ends. Very easily we can study the transhistoric evolution of the father of most Western European religions, that is, Roman Catholicism, from Plato to Plotinus, to the Neo-Platonists, to St. Augustine, to Marc Aurel, to Seneca, to Epitectus, across St. Thomas Aquinas and the Great Fathers of the Church, to the Dominican Order, to the Inquisition, to the burning stake, to the murder of philosophers like Giordano Bruno. We can also investigate how Mother Mary wiped out the goddess Diana and her temples, and how the Conquista religion replaced authentic goddesses and gods, destroyed "pagan" worship and beliefs of the colonized peoples. Furthermore, it is quite obvious why the rising bourgeoisie separated the State from the Church, the Politeia from Absolutism by the Grace of God, to prepare the transhistoric trail towards the almighty US $ -- to "In God We Trust", that is, to Reason and Capital. What was forced upon Latin America, upon Venezuela, where the overwhelming part of the population is Roman Catholic, was not even "the real thing", just censured versions of the "Holy Scriptures", fostering a masochistic pacifism, inferiority complexes, fear, awe, subjugation and alienation of the downtrodden. The question that I pose to the religious 85 or more percent of humanity is the one that asks, in what kind of a world we live which needs a religious aureole so huge that the exploited, dominated, discriminated, decimated, alienated creatures can bear at all the current Orwellian inferno of global capitalism, placing their joy and hopes in a "hereafter", painted and taught to them by their very butchers and torturers. Somewhere, something has to be questioned about exported colonial religion, and the reparation that would have to be paid for this mental holocaust certainly cannot be expressed in figures. With regard to the Bolivarian Revolution, it could be doing far better without the hypothesis of the Roman Catholic God and religion, because it then could much better and more effectively be fighting off the electromagnetic weapons as employed in the form of infowar and disinformation campaigns, replacing religious beliefs and revelations, ideological lies and mental media exorcism with scientific knowledge, action, thought, analysis and excellence. Only with a transhistoric consciousness can the immense power of mind and thought control in all its forms - be it religious ideology, be it media disinformation campaigns - be broken and transcended towards true emancipation, where the human being is neither exploitable, nor oppressable, nor discriminatable nor alienatable. In this sense, a transhistorically conscious human being won´t fall victim to the "four stormtroopers of the apocalypse" (the private media in Venezuela), to CNN, to Bush's "axis of evil" or Chirac's "absolute evil", not even to "Florentino and the Devil". Concerning the "presence of the future" in our here and now, a transhistorically conscious human being will be fully aware of the mortal potentiality of a new generation of weapons of mass destruction in the hands of the technologically most advanced countries. Earthquakes, and "biblical floods" like the one that happened in Vargas, Venezuela, only a few years ago, the very day the Venezuelan population went to vote for the approval of the new constitution, are no longer only at the disposal of gods or natural causes but of the very human technology, as embodied in electromagnetic weapon projects like HAARP. Scientific knowledge will be a better advisor than religious prayer and mass media distraction for the Venezuelan sovereign, the millions of people who support the Bolivarian Revolution. The emancipatory combat has to take place on multiple fronts simultaneously.
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