

franzjutta, Lundi, Juin 14, 2004 - 11:56

Franz J. T. Lee

Visiting Feuerbach and Marx again in the Epoch of Global Fascism

Ché Guevara underlined that the duty of all real, true revolutionaries, "is to make the revolution", to act (práxis) and to think (theory) it. In time, this implies also to warning the comrades about mortal ideological dangers, no matter how delicate they may be, even touching "forbidden fruits" and "sacred cows".

The bourgeois, capitalist, democratic thinkers of the Enlightenment, were experts in liberating themselves from obsolete beliefs, from obscurantist scholasticism, bigotry and obscure, Roman, Catholic, absolutist, feudalist nightmares, they knew how at first to get fundamental things very straight, and then to storm the Bastille: they separated the medieval Church from the absolutist State, replaced the burning stake with the guilotine, detonated the dogmatic religious ideology of the feudalist State by the Grace of God, and launched their heliocentric rational world outlook. Only as such bourgeois Reason and Capital could triumph, could the French and Industrial Revolutions realize, materialize themselves, could Western Democracy defend itself, could it become invincible.

Similarly, it became necessary for the Hegelian Left, the radical democrats, among them, Feuerbach, Marx and Engels, also to get things straight with religion, with ideology, with the famous Faustian "Gretchenfrage", before they could present the Communist Manifesto to the world proletariat, a conditio sine qua non to develop their own revolutionary práxis and theory, as Negation within the Global System.

Let us pay Feuerbach and Marx once more a short cordial visit, to see the quintessence of the warning of Heinz Dieterich concerning the Roman Catholic oligarchs in Venezuela, to see what is the fundamental problem of the current Bolivarian Revolution, at a decisive stage of its historic development in Venezuela, Latin America, and the rest of the exploited, oppressed world.

Surely, the Conquista with its ruling class religion had introduced Roman Catholicism into Latin America, not to convert "savages" into "Children of God", but for the sake of colonial rape, rampage and pillage. It was used as "opium" for the "natives" to make them docile and pacific, to make their horrible, terrible colonial existence tolerable. European monotheistic, patriarchal, absolutist religion was converted into "the sigh of the oppressed creature", into "the heart of a heartless world", into "the soul of soulless conditions" (Marx).

As we ought to know, two European thinkers have analysed the very quintessence of Christianity and modern Western, monotheistic religions. To understand historically the global religious impact in ideology, mind and thought control, very briefly, I will summarize the main ideas of Feuerbach and Marx.

The 19th-century German philosopher and moralist, Ludwig Andreas Feuerbach, was born on July 28, 1804, in Landshut, Bavaria, now a Province of Germany. He died on September 13, 1872 in Rechenberg, Germany. He was the fourth son of the famous jurist Paul von Feuerbach. His father forced him to study Theology, but soon he abandoned this career, and in Berlin became a student of Philosophy under the guidance of the famous German philosopher Georg Friedrich Wilhelm Hegel. He studied Natural Science, and he showed great interest in topics like death and immortality. In 1828, he began to study natural science at the University of Erlangen, and two years later, he anonymously published his first book, Gedanken über Tod und Unsterblichkeit (“Thoughts on Death and Immortality

Information and Analysis of revolutionary events, direct from Venezuela.

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