Occupied Palestine: Residents of Az Zawiya Steadfast in their Resistance to the Apartheid WallAnonyme, Jeudi, Juin 10, 2004 - 07:05 (Reportage ind. / Ind. news report | Droits / Rights / Derecho | Guerre / War | Repression | Resistance & Activism)
Az Zawiya is one of three villages that will be surrounded by the wall, effectually creating an enclave that will include Rafat, Deir Ballut and Az Zawiya. Az Zawiya is one of three villages that will be surrounded by the wall, effectually creating an enclave that will include Rafat, Deir Ballut and Az Zawiya. Villagers participated in a peaceful march to their land where the bulldozers were working. The non-violent march was dispersed using tens of canisters of tear gas and sound bombs aimed at people. The air was full of smoke and gas for several hours. The soldiers were also using batons and hit and injured at least one elderly villager. A small group of villagers including many women made their way through the clouds of gas and smoke to where the bulldozers were working. Some women managed to sit down in front of the bulldozers and were later forcefully removed by soldiers. According to the village medical clinic, 72 people were injured and treated in the clinic. Of these injuries 10 were from rubber bullets (most shot below the waist but a few on the upper torso), one person was treated for a broken leg, one villager was hit in the head by tear gas canister, others were hit by sound bombs which were aimed at them. The remaining injuries were reportedly from tear gas inhalation. Bulldozers have been observed to be working round the clock in several different parcels of village land, dividing the villagers into smaller more controllable groups. The villagers have vowed to come everyday to their land to stop the wall. There is a village action planned for Thursday at 1 pm and a major demonstration on Friday when people from the three affected villages, internationals and Israelis will gather at 10am to walk to their land and pray. To see pictures of the action, please go to: Please note that the title of this photo section refers to the injuries reported during the former demonstration. For more information, please contact: IWPS Office: 09-2516-644
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