
World Social Forum - Wiser World

rahul, Mercredi, Juin 9, 2004 - 01:35


Another world is possible!

(a brief description of the World Social Forum held in Mumbai, India, this winter -- how it actually looked like)

W.S.F. Mumbai 2004 -- this is a brief description of the World Social Forum -- how it actually looked like.

people felt that wsf is one of the most unforgettable interactions in their lifetime. wsf is a common platform for exchanging ideas of all sections of a community, which inturn makes another world possible. people felt that the present world is almost stinking and it meeds a change. a change can be brought by achieving true independence,basic nessesities, & rights required for all people. well experienced and elder people are on one side and active youth was on other side in wsf.

elderly people thought of a world with out globalization, privatization, liberalization, they dremt of a world with independence.


Delegates: 20,763 (130 countries)
13,046 national
7,717 foreigners
130 countries were represented

Biggest delegations:
1. Brazil
2. USA
3. France
4. Italy
5. Argentina
6. Uruguay

Conferences: 10
Workshops, seminars and other kinds of activities organized by participants: 1,286
Panels: 36
Testimonies: 22
Roundtables of dialogue and controversy: 04
Exhibitors in activities organized by the Organizing Committee: 292

Volunteers: 650

Youth Camp: 25,000 people

Registered journalists: 4,094, from which 2,131 were Brazilian.
Free-lance Journalists: 832
Total of mass communication media: 1,423 (51 countries)

Countries with more numerous mass communication media/journalists in WSF:
1. Brazil: 808
2. Italy: 83
3. France: 74
4. Argentina: 73
5. United States: 53
6. Uruguay: 42

youth are most active and attractive one's in the wsf. youth felt that wsf is a place where they can get ideas and thoughts which are practcal rather than theorotical. youth felt education should not be a privilege. they dreamt of world with more choices. the intellectuals of wsf expressed their solidarity. they felt there is a need for a new world which is socialistic in nature, which cannot be achieved by an individual, it can just be achieved by all members of society. wsf is needed for creation of such world. so wsf is a great place where many people with many ideas are united to give rise to another big idea -- another [wiser] world.

wsf stands as a ray of hope and makes us feel -- "another world is possible"

Youth Camp 25 000????
Mer, 2004-06-09 10:53

I don't know about the other stats, but there were 2,500 people staying at the Youth Camp in Mumbai, and 3,700 people inscribed.

I guess the author is reffering to the last Youth Camp in Brasil, in which 25,000 people actually participated.

There is much to be said about the Indian IYC. Among other things, it must be stated that there was a total lack of autonomy from the main organising force.
Whereas in Brasil, self-management was at the very core of the process, in Mumbai, finance and, to a lesser extent, logistics were controlled by the WSF.

Paid organisers of the IYC were dispatched by WSF-related organisations.

In other words, IYC was a WSF for kiddies, in the eye of the WSF daddies - PCI(m) and the NGOs. A kindergarten to keep "youth" busy while the big people talk serious.

The level of paternalism expressed in the relation IYC-WSF was a little heavy.

And most importantly, they did not manage to organise transportation between both venues, which were an hour apart.
Who's responsible?
Who had the money...

It felt like the IYC was somewhat irrelevant to the WSF big bosses. IT only reaffirms the need for youth to take its place, take back power from those who could not manage it and ended up fucking up our planet so miserably.

" youth are most active and attractive one's in the wsf. youth felt that wsf is a place where they can get ideas and thoughts which are practcal rather than theorotical. youth felt education should not be a privilege. they dreamt of world with more choices. "

This part is right on though...

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Mer, 2004-06-09 23:51

.....but its the way which the world social forum looked like......may be similar to brasils...

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