
Update on the Ten thousand internationals admitted in Palestine!

Anonyme, Dimanche, Mai 16, 2004 - 16:06

Z. F.

The ten thousand international peace keepers and grassroot activists should be making it into Palestine in along this week and the next one. We have been waiting for that for a long time now. The murder of Ahmed Yessine happened in Palestine right after Arafat, PLF leader was forced out of the milicia. The pressure came on both sides from the lack of participation in the Peace Process. The poeple on borders just seem to be waiting for something to happen, yet on both sides of Gaza and Jericho we do not understand.

The usual suspects are terrorism and Israeli military, yet they come out of the murder. The money and the weapons all come from America. The last time internationals were in there was in February, March and June 2003 and i have to remind the reader here of Corrie who died over there, and her family. We think of crops and Palestinien agricultural relief before summer, and the fields are awesome at this time of the year.

Ahmed Yessine was a cripple on a rolling chair, he was hit by a bullet and his column was damaged and he was paralysed for life. These incidents, Ahmed Yessine's assassination in March and Arafat's departure last year, are linked. Before that there was a good news, 458 prisoners, palestinian and lebanese, were released in exchange for 12 israeli soldiers held back by the Palestinians. That and now ten thousand internationals have been admitted, they can go to Palestine and stay in the occupied territories of the Gaza Strip and Jericho. There has to be anti-capitalistic, anti-imperialistic, and anti-colonialist struggle to bring back equilibrium in that.

The Palestinian solidarity is going to be in Rafa'a maybe, and in the mountains of the west Bank. The activities in universities not to forget Jenine and Naplouse's massacres in 2001, 2003 are impressive, yet it is not enough. There has been reconstructions of the wall in some school and the teacher's put everybody on strike. The movies are awesome and everything that is written after these events is just berzerk, like commentaries on mobiles and texts. And by the way things at the anarchist bookfair also went pretty at discussions on that subject and interventions, the poeple and the shortmovies over there just rocks! It is thing's like that, we do not to forget.

Mar, 2004-05-18 06:02

validated but,

  1. Why are you saying that The ten thousand international peace keepers and grassroot activists should be making it into Palestine in along this week and the next one ?
    As far as I know, there have only been a few volunteers so far for the P10K Force ..

  2. What do you mean by The last time internationals were in there was in February, March and June 2003 ?
    There are ISM activists on the ground there right now, among other internationals.

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