
Montreal's 5th Annual Anarchist Bookfair

simms, Jeudi, Mai 13, 2004 - 08:21

Montreal's Anarchist Bookfair is the largest anarchist cultural event in the North-East, and an important platform for the exchange of anarchist and anti-authoritarian ideas.

The Bookfair, aimed at anarchists and non-anarchists alike, will take place in English, French and Spanish.
Over 50 publishing houses, distributors, bookstores and groups from all over North America and the world will participate in the event.

Saturday, May 15th, 2004
10 AM to 6 PM
2515, Delisle street
(close to Lionel-Groulx metro)

Visit the Montreal Anarchist Bookfair site for more information.

Montreal's Anarchist Bookfair is the largest anarchist cultural event in the North-East, and an important platform for the exchange of anarchist and anti-authoritarian ideas.

The Bookfair, aimed at anarchists and non-anarchists alike, will take place in English, French and Spanish.
Over 50 publishing houses, distributors, bookstores and groups from all over North America and the world will participate in the event.

Events associated with the Bookfair include workshops, talks, films, presentations, guided tours and much more. Once again this year, the Anarchist Bookfair will be followed -- on Sunday, May 16th, 2004 -- by a whole day dedicated to workshops and presentations on anarchist themes. The month of May 2004 will once more become a "Festival of Anarchy", with a diverse range of events organised by local anarchist and anti-authoritarian groups.

Visit the Montreal Anarchist Bookfair website for more information.

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