
Forget The Trial, Get The Rope: Bush Approved The Torture!!!

Anonyme, Dimanche, Mai 9, 2004 - 23:56


While the shutter captured the gruesome horror in graphic detail, it missed capturing the full scope of the incident, as did CBS. This was not an isolated incident. It was not the result of a few rogues. Rather this incident was the result of careful long-term planning. In fact Bush and every other high official of this administration approved of the torture and we have their own words on that.

May 9, 2004
From the Streets of Little Beirut
Glen Yeadon

Appalling, shocking, repulsive are some of the words used to describe the pictures taken by U.S. soldiers torturing Iraqis. With a flick of a camera's shutter CBS's Sixty Minutes II had captured the essence of one of this war's dirty little secrets. The report jerked the world's collective conscience to attention and focused on the appalling behavior of U.S. troops in Iraq as the photos of the torture taking place at Abu Ghraib prison aired freely around the globe, except in two countries. In Iraq the U.S. controlled media banned the airing of the photos and in the U.S. the distribution was severely limited.

Repercussions followed immediately as the Bush administration desperately tried to contain the damage. On the first day after the airing of the photos Bush feigned a personal disgust of the torture during a White House press briefing. A general, a sergeant and some privates were dismissed and face possible charges. The administration blamed the incident on a few rogues who lacked proper training and claimed it was an isolated incident. The Pentagon appointed the general who was in charge of Camp X-ray to take over managing of the prison in Iraq. Later in the week Bush was forced to apologize. Every day brought new revelations. By the end of the week the dust still had not settled as Seymour Hersh revealed the existence of a hitherto secret army report by Army Major General Antonio Taguba. The report is criminally damaging to this administration. Bush claims he has not seen the report and blamed Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld for failing to show him the report.

While the shutter captured the gruesome horror in graphic detail, it missed capturing the full scope of the incident, as did CBS. This was not an isolated incident. It was not the result of a few rogues. Rather this incident was the result of careful long-term planning. In fact Bush and every other high official of this administration approved of the torture and we have their own words on that. The full scope leads down a dark trail, involving CIA mind control programs, child abuse/pedophile control rings, Nazi scientists and the vital recognition of the Bush family's willful and voluntary association for more than 80 years with Nazi elements.

Within days of 9/11, members of the Bush administration including Bush proposed the use of torture. They claimed because 9/11 was an act of terrorism the Geneva Convention did not apply because terrorist suspects were not prisoners of war; instead, in an unprecedented form of Texas-style verbal gerrymandering suspects were to be classified as enemy combatants. Even in the shocked post 9/11 environment this raised a few eyebrows among the liberals and those that value our constitutional rights. In fact they even went further in supporting the assassinations of suspects that could not be captured.

This is the real story behind the torture reports the media has left out. For those that still fail to remember how this administration approved torture I suggest a trip to the local library and reading the immediate post 9/11 newspapers. You will find that all the top officials Bush, Cheney, Rice, Ashcroft, Rumsfeld, Powell and others approved the use of torture on terrorist suspects.

This incident was by no means isolated. A quick Google search of the web will reveal reports of torture and mistreatment of prisoners as early as January 2002. In a February 2002 article appearing in the Guardian, Wayne Madsen a former U.S. navy intelligence officer told the Guardian the US was using two methods of torture. The first he referred to as "lite" torture or psychological torture. (Note this is the torture method linked to mind control and child abuse and will appear in an article of a later date.) The second method is "full-blown" torture.

In this second method it turns the prisoners over to a third country that has no limits on torture for interrogation. The interrogation proceeds oftentimes with an American overseeing the torture. Some prisoners have been summarily executed after the interrogation. The procedure of turning the prisoner over to a third country for interrogation is known as 'rendition.'

On March 11, 2002 the Washington Post published an article entitled "US Behind Secret Transfer of Terror Suspects." The article quoted a U.S. diplomat saying, "After September 11, these sorts of movements have been occurring all the time. It allows us to get information from terrorists in a way we can’t do on US soil." The article reports that "Since Sept. 11, the US government has secretly transported dozens of people suspected of links to terrorists to countries other than the United States, bypassing extradition procedures and legal formalities, according to Western diplomats and intelligence sources." The article continues, "The suspects have been taken to countries, including Egypt and Jordan, whose intelligence services have close ties to the CIA and where they can be subjected to interrogation tactics —- including torture and threats to families -— that are illegal in the United States, the sources said. In some cases, US intelligence agents remain closely involved in the interrogation, the sources said."

Moreover, this is exactly the procedure US Immigration officials used in deporting Maher Arar, a Canadian citizen to Jordan and then on to Syria. The hapless Canadian was waiting for a connecting flight to Canada after returning from Switzerland when immigration officials seized him. He reported being beaten in Jordan and then taken to Syria where he endured ten months of torture.

The unconstitutional Patriot Act made it possible for immigration authorities to deport Mr Arar. Furthermore, the act makes it possible for the US to take similar actions against US citizens. In fact, the act forfeits many of our freedoms guaranteed by the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. If authorities claim that a citizen is a terrorist or engaged in terrorist actions then the person has no right to a lawyer, no right to bail, no protection against unreasonable searches and can be held indefinitely without charges being filed.

Bush has followed the same path Hitler took. The Nazis first passed euthanasia laws before murdering the feebleminded. They passed the Nuremberg laws before persecuting the Jews. The Patriot Act is America's Nuremberg law. It is only one example of many of steps the Bush administration has taken to avoid criminal charges. Another example is the Bush administration insistence that those held in Camp X-ray and Abu Ghraib prison are enemy combatants and not prisoners of war. The stark reality of such labeling is nothing more than a mere play on words. US law has already established that these captives are prisoners of war by case law.

The case establishing the status of "civilian combatants," "terrorists" or whatever euphemism one wishes to use as prisoners of war comes from a case during the Civil War when a Confederate ship was seized. The sailors captured were taken to New York and were regarded, as the today's equivalent of terrorists since the US did not recognize the Confederate States as a country. The founder of Sullivan and Cromwell successfully defended the prisoners fixing their status as prisoners of war and saved them from hanging.

There are many examples of the Bush administration's collusion to avoid war criminal charges. Perhaps, the best example comes from the Congress's passage of the Serviceman Protection Act introduced in congress by their cronies Tom Delay and Jesse Helms. The bill calls for an automatic invasion of the idyllic land of windmills and tulips. What raised the ire of the Bush administration against the stoic Dutch was simply Holland is home of The Hague and the World Court. While the bill pretends to protect US servicemen such as the privates charged with torture from a trial before the World Court, the bill is merely protection for administration officials. The World Court does not prosecute cases against military personnel when their country does. Thus those reservists charged with torture have nothing to fear from the World Court as long as the US brings them to trial which seems assured. The real protection from the bill extends to protecting cabinet level officials and the president and vice president.

Furthermore, the Bush administration has bullied other countries into withdrawing their support for the World Court by using foreign aid as a club.

This leaves us with what the proper course of action should be. The low-ranking scapegoats have already said the CIA and even a civilian contractor ordered them to soften up the prisoners. In fact, Taguba's report named the civilian contractor, Steven Stephanowicz, of CACI International. The report recommended the army fire and reprimand him. While the Nuremberg trials clearly established following orders is no defense for committing war crimes there is some validity to the claim at the lowest level of the command chain. Certainly they should be held accountable and sentenced accordingly.

However, the real war criminals lie at the top of command chain at the cabinet level and above. When the President, the Vice President and cabinet secretaries recommend committing war crimes, it is an impeachable offense. Congress should be working posthaste in preparing the articles of impeachment against all of those involved, including Bush and Cheney. Moreover, impeachment is not sufficient alone. They need to face serious charges of war crimes. The Allies made a serious mistake in Nuremberg in not hanging enough high-ranking Nazis. Let's not repeat the mistake.

For more on the Bush Nazi Connection go to

Please check my site on a regular basis for the follow-up article on the links between the Bush family, their network of loyalist criminals, the intrigue of the Nazi war criminals imported after WW2 to staff the psychological warfare operations of the intelligence agencies and the common racist eugenics theology that was funded by the Bush/Harriman enterprise. It is not without coincidence that this White House and its heavily influenced PNAC agenda are linked. This link is the genome-specific bioweapons called for in policy papers published by the PNAC members. That is racial warfare and we all need to be well educated to the dark path these men have chosen.

Mar, 2004-05-11 06:29

validated after corrections, reclassification

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A little more on that theme
Sam, 2004-05-15 00:40

The purpose of this post is dual-faceted. First, links to a number or numerous supporting resource articles are provided.  Second, there's a link at the very end of this article/commentary which is to a PETITION, for demanding that the ICC do everything in its legal power to investigate the war atrocities of US and UK troops, officers, and all other commanders, in Iraq; and, this is the KEY, main, point of this post.

Everyone who was against Gulf War II being launched to begin with, and all opposed to the fact that GWII was conducted, now opposing the extremely, Apocolyptically, Evil criminal occupation and domination of Iraq by foreign forces, plus the launch; well, PLEASE sign that petition.  Although it might not be as authoritative as maybe would be better, given that we do not provide detailed personal information, like residential address, telephone number, social security/insurance number, driver's licence, etc., well, the petition is nonetheless better than none at all; I hope, anyway.  In any case, there's surely no harm or danger in signing the petition, so I ask that all become signatories.

An Ugly Prison Record:  Given the Way it Treats its own Inmates, America Shouldn't be Shocked at the Abuse of Iraqis, by Christopher Reed, Toronto Star, May 10, 2004

Stanford Prison Experiment:  A Simulation Study of the Psychology of Imprisonment Conducted at Stanford University, Philip G. Zimbardo, 1971 (USA)

Got the link from; and, the above is also available in French, Spanish, Dutch, and Italian, via links at the bottom of the web/homepage.

FR: Aussi disponsible en français, espagnol, hollandais ou norvégien, et italien, via des liens au bas de cette page; et, ce site est par rapport à une expérience d'étude psychologique utilisant des étudiants collègiaux/univisitaire, dison, au moins en connaissances, dans un contexte de prisoniers et guardiens de prison dans une situation simulée, avec le résultat que ceci devait être terminée après seulement six jours. Ceux dans le role de guardiens étaient devenus horribles dans leurs traitements des étudiants simulants les prisoniers.

Quote/Citation:  << Welcome to the Stanford Prison Experiment web site, which features an extensive slide show and information about this classic psychology experiment.  What happens when you put good people in an evil place?  Does humanity win over evil, or does evil triumph?  These are some of the questions we posed in this dramatic simulation of prison life conducted in the summer of 1971 at Stanford University.  How we went about testing these questions and what we found may astound you.  Our planned two-week investigation into the psychology of prison life had to be ended prematurely after only six days because of what the situation was doing to the college students who participated.  In only a few days, our guards became sadistic and our prisoners became depressed and showed signs of extreme stress.  Please join me on a slide tour of describing this experiment and uncovering what it tells us about the nature of Human Nature. >>

Prison Activist Resource Center (PARC) (USA)

Quote:  << PARC is committed to exposing and challenging the institutionalized racism of the criminal injustice system and to further developing anti-racism as individuals and throughout our organization.  We provide support for educators, activists, prisoners, and prisoners' families.  This work includes building networks for action and producing materials that expose human rights violations while fundamentally challenging the rapid expansion of the prison industrial complex. >>

Psychoanalysts for Peace and Justice (USA)

Quote:  << Because we know the destructiveness that resides in each of us, we know the importance of not letting it destroy what we hold dear ....  A member organization of United for Peace and Justice.  We are psychoanalysts and psychoanalytically-informed citizens united for peace and justice.  We have gathered, in opposition to the pending Iraq war, with the goals of participating as psychoanalysts and citizens in the broader peace and justice movements and of bringing our psychoanalytic insights to bear on the critical social issues that confront our country and our world today. >>

Worth visiting, at least once in a while.

The Crimes at Abu Ghraib Are Not the Worst, by Robert Higgs, May 10 2004

That is an excellent article in which the author rather explains that Bush et al, including many US military troops and officers are serial killers, murderers, in ways which are actually far worse than the horrible treatment of Iraqi prisoners; whilst, also saying that the latter is nonetheless bad.  The author is obviously for Bush et al to be required to hold themselves fully Accountable, with serious punishment as a certain, sure, outcome.

This is a comparative analysis in which he describes a number of disgusting crimes unto Iraqis by US forces, pretty much throughout the last year, and although he can't be thorough, given no one can, as he also briefly explains, he nevertheless describes some atrocious events that I had not yet read or heard about; while, reading regularly, steadily.

It did not really surprise me when voices around the world rose up in anger when the pictures of the mistreated Iraqi prisoners, most of whom had not committed any offences, were released; however, was a little surprised, given that less of an uproar occurred after the rather massive massacre of hundreds of Iraqis in Falluja in early April; where, as reports have stated, around 600, to 700, Iraqis were killed by US troops, half or more of the victims being women and children, whilst the rest mostly consisted of non-combatants, and elderly, and, to top this, US snipers sniped women, children, and other Iraqis entering and exiting from the hospital the US forces had not bombed; not yet, anyway.  And, that's only one example of horrendously atrocious military aggression; among, many others commanded by Bush et al and conducted by US troops, like deliberately bombing residential areas, hospitals, etc., and aiding & abetting the pillaging of Iraqi ministries during the first month or two of Gulf War II.

Abuse at Abu Ghraib, the Psychodynamics of Occupation, and the Responsibility of Us All, by Stephen Soldz, Psychoanalyst and a faculty member at the Institute for the Study of Violence of the Boston Graduate School of Psychoanalysis, May 1 2004

This is an excellent article in which the author presents a sound psychological analysis; not thoroughly comprehensive, while nevertheless very good or excellent.  There are three aspects I disagree or differ with, a little.

1) He refers to the need to i/ensure that there be permanent and independent monitors for the prisons in Iraq under US occupation, but the same should also apply to prisons in the USA; as has been amply well reported, not by many news media, but amply by those and other organisations which did, treatment in US prisons, of prisoners, is not better, is just as inhumane.

2) This is regarding his statement:

<< If President Bush, the senior US generals, and all the other commentators filling the airwaves with pious outrage are not directly lying, it is solely because of that marvelous human ability, identified by psychoanalysts and novelists, to know and not know something at the same time >>.

Another, and possibly or probably better, term for Bush et al's psychological condition(s) simply is 'denial', living in denial of known matters, which these very same people also know to be true, factual.  Yet, there's more to their condition than merely living in denial; they are also psychotically delusional, perhaps demented, having psychotically delusional visions of "self-grandeur", perceiving themselves as better or greater, more noble, etc., than the rest or most of the rest of us, Humanity; and, they are also psychopathic, sociopathic, and serial killers, or the latter's commanders.

3) Regarding ... ?; it's been forgotten.

Again, however, that is nonetheless an excellent article or analysis provided by the author.

Security, Terror, and the Psychodynamics of Empire, by Stephen Soldz, Psychoanalyst and a faculty member at the Institute for the Study of Violence of the Boston Graduate School of Psychoanalysis, Feb 7 2004

That is a fine analysis; a little boring, as psychology can be, and is too often rendered, however a nevertheless good analysis, perhaps excellent.

Win Without War Proposes Emergency International Summit & Transfer of Management Authority to UN Calls for End to US Military Occupation of Iraq:  No Resolution in Iraq Possible as Long as US Retains Political Control, Apr 9 2004

Well, given Bush et al orchestrated and dragged us down this armagadonean path, this article provides excellent news; it'd only be more excellent, if what Win Without War is proposing and correctly argues to be needed was not necessary, to begin with.

The Phantom Sovereign, by Jonathan Schell,, The Nation, Apr 8 2004

Anatomy of Terror, by John Chuckman, Feb 16 2004

Quote:  <<If you want rule of law, then you must abide by it.  If you want the arrogant privilege of stepping outside the law, then you have no moral claim against the people you call terrorists.  ...  War on Terror?  What we need is a war on stupidity. >>

Bush as Hitler?  Let's Be Fair, by Alexander Cockburn, Jan 10-11 2004

Some or many will be at least a little surprised, and perhaps pleasantly so, after reading what Alex Cockburn has to say.

Basically, if Hitler had only [not] commanded the Holocaust, and started WWII, then he would have been difficult to beat/best by most or all US presidents.  Apparently, he had done much Good prior to going lunatic in 1939; at which point, he "went nuts", became a wicked lunatic; somehow, getting a sufficiently strong following to do much harm.  Want an example of extreme, drastic, human changes, on an individual basis? That's one.

Bush, well, he has nothing of any good what-so-ever on his track record. At least Hitler had a Good track record, before becoming a lunatic; something Bush does not have.

I'm only "describing reality the way it is", "as the personal eye/mind beholds"; no insertions, fabrications, distortions, etc.; and, am open to making a mistake.  However, strong, solid, evidence, or logic connected with plausible, realistically credible and provable, evidence is required.  Mere "hearsay" is not good; only to be wary of.

The Cloaking of Evil:  Jesus vs. the Beast of the Apocalypse, by Glen Martin, Professor of philosophy and religious studies, Radford University, Radford, Virginia, Jan 3-4 2004

That is not about the "Hidden Hand", per se, but is nonetheless very related; and, this professor very well presents his perspective; leaving nothing that I could either disagree with, or improve upon.

What's the "Hidden Hand"?  It's related to secret operations, maniganicing, of governments, intertwined with corporate, imperialistic, interests, which lead to fascism; is one way to briefly explain, anyway.  Doing a Web search, with <"Hidden Hand"+government">, without the <> brackets of course, turns up many links to articles on this topic.

Quote from the above article:

<< Essentially, Jesus says that all our worldly values must be turned upside down, for God's judgment is on the rich, on "the nations" and on the powerful of the world.  God's love and mercy are for the poor, the downtrodden and the oppressed.  In this spirit, Jesus condemns the Pharisees, the respectable religious people of his day, for they perform the empty rituals of worship but do not live authentic lives of service to the kingdom of God.  ...  But the respectable religious and civil leaders of his day do not care for the poor, the downtrodden and the oppressed.  They prefer to be seen as respectable, ....  ..., I have read extensively in the theology of Latin American Christians who have produced much wonderful Christian thought since the Second Vatican Council of 1962-65.  One theme that emerges again and again in this literature is the deceptive nature of the great beast of the apocalypse (the Antichrist), ....  For evil in our world does not present itself as evil.  Evil hides, they say, in everydayness, in business as usual, in what is given honors and the highest praise.  Evil poses as its opposite, ....  ...  Evil could not be successful in preventing people from living together in peace and harmony on the Earth if it appeared to us as a hideous monster (...). >>

The very last sentence possibly may initially seem to be odd to some readers, which it at first did to me; given that Bush et al and what they've commanded to be done definitely does appear to be Evil, and apoclyptically so.  However, the "catch" is that Christ also left it understood that Evil would not be able to fool all of us, all who have hearts/minds of innocence, like Christ asked us to develop and exercise.  And, Bush et al have been constantly denying that they are indeed committing and commanding Evil; always saying that they're bringing democracy, peace, liberty, which they're obviously not intending to provide to anyone.

Continued quoting:

<< This cloaking of evil is all the more necessary given the simplicity and clarity of Jesus' teachings.  ...  When his critics asked him, "And who is my neighbor?," he again answers with great clarity through the story of the good Samaritan.  ...  St. Paul tells us that the early Christian communities were persecuted by the respectable established system of their day (the Roman Empire), for they refused to serve in the military and refused to recognize the established religious orthodoxy and social morality of their society.  The early Christian communities were not about to send their children into the military to destroy the lives and countries of Samaritans and others who were their neighbors on this precious Earth.  ...  Evil is a system, not a person.  ...  In reality, it is a global system of economic and military domination and exploitation, just like the Roman Empire.  Evil is a system designed to prevent us from loving God and loving our neighbors as ourselves.  Our neighbors include every person on this Earth. >>

To "tell you the truth", I have no disagreement with that author prilosopher, spiritualist, thinker; and, the "nice thing about it", is that people do not need to be highly scholared, academically; the "mere" human aspect, and early in life, "the basics" anyway, as well as ongoing, socialization, environmentalism, ..., in a balanced way, well, can be nothing but healthy.

"Anything can be abused."

The Hidden Hand Behind "Free Trade:  Worker Repression and US Military Aggression:  The Global Sweatshop Coalition, Forum description", Dec 21 2002

What do socialists say?  What's changed inside Russia?, by Charlie Kimber

Telling the truth about imperialism:  David Barsamian interviews Noam Chomsky, September 11, 2003, International Socialist Review, Nov/Dec 2003

Below is a link to an alternative copy of the same article as the above, with text which is not entirely in bold format; as the above is.

"Whose World Order:  Conflicting Visions", A speech delivered by Noam Chomsky at the University of Calgary, Sept 22 1998

U.S./NATO Takeover of Yugoslavia, by Ramsey Clark, Nadja Tesich, Michael Parenti, Slobodan Milosevic, Monica Moorehead, Mumia Abu-Jamal, Gloria La Riva, Michel Chossudovsky, and many others, International Action Center, 2002

NATO's War of Aggression Against Yugoslavia:  An Overview, by Michel Chossudovsky, May 1999

What I learned from the War, by Dennis J. Kucinich, 1999

That article is by Congressman, D-Ohio, Dennis Kucinich, the nearly unheard of democratic candidate who continues to compaign, right up to the DNC, Democratic National Convention, this summer, when the democratic candidate to be selected by politicians, mostly them and their pals, it seems anyway, as the D-nominee.  He's also the sole D candidate who stood steadfastly and integrally opposed to Gulf War II, the ensuing and ongoing criminal occupation of Iraq, and who proposes, strongly, that the US toops, and surely those of the UK, need to be pulled out of Iraq A.S.A.P., with a plan of around 90 days for the pull-out.

He has some key revelations regarding the Clinton criminal aggression in Kosovo, 1999; as a Congress-member who worked on trying to have that war prevented, and then stopped; and, who rebukes the BOGUS Rambouilet Accord, which had to be a plan of criminal manufacturing/production on the part of Clinton et al; it was too bogus for that to not be noticed with one quick reading, and not even of the complete accord.  The latter bits are IN MY OPINION.

THE HIDDEN HAND IN YUGOSLAV WAR, by Gary Wilson, International Action Center

Must say, I haven't read the latter article, yet, however believe the IAC to produce good material.

History Lesions, Feb 19 2004

That is an excellent article in terms of both perspective, and historical facts which are very important to be aware of.  It is based on American imperialistic conquest and basically domination of Filipinos during the last decade or so of the 19th century, and early 20th, albeit also some key and criminal aspects of the US' Vietnam War, under president LBJ; and, with even the few facts in this article about what the LBJ administration did, LBJ definitely was and remains a war criminal.

Also note that none of these articles that I'm providing hyperlinks for are meant in any way to denigrate or belittle the atrocious treatment of Iraqi prisoners, most of whom had not committed any offencive acts, let alone criminal ones, and some of whom are/were young children.  These additional materials are only to try to bring all of what's going on into a broader perspective of the whole topic of war; particularly, the imperialistic kind the US and UK are known for, albeit not enough.

The 1991 War Against Iraq:  Did the U.S. Government Desire to Have People Informed about Going to War?, by Michael Hauben 1991

30-Year Anniversary:  Tonkin Gulf Lie Launched Vietnam War

Colonel Recalls Being Ordered to Napalm Entire Village in Vietnam

U. S. Imperialism:  A Century of Slaughter

Rogue State:  A history of U.S. terror

The Uses and Abuses of History, Oct 27 2003

That's a article, and it was embedded, this time, due to it's length probably/possibly causing horizontal scrolling to be necessary, and which is preferable to avoid.

Torture and Civilian Deaths in Three Counterinsurgencies, by William Marina, May 3 2004

That article is similar to one of the above, the one which describes the imperialistic US war in the Philippines during the late 1890s and early 20th century; however, I believe that it also provides additional information, so recommend checking it.


I will provide an indirect link, to a post that I made at the Dennis Kucinich campaign website.  The petition letter is quoted, there, and hyperlinks to the peition, as well as to the source, where the link was initially obtained, are provided.  Providing this link may also be of interest to people who may wish to read comments people will add about it, in the following discussion forum page.

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