TAKE BACK PARLIAMENT! (part ii) OUST THE PIRATES - CRASH THE PARTY SYSTEM!Anonyme, Jeudi, Mai 6, 2004 - 07:17 Furthermore, if you are not self-employed, ask your employer whether you are entitled to leave WITH PAY to participate as a candidate in the election. TAKE BACK PARLIAMENT! (part ii) OUST THE PIRATES - CRASH THE PARTY SYSTEM! Party Crasher See Also Part i: I REPEAT - SMASH THE PARTY MONOTRIOPOLY ON PARLIAMENT! CRASH THE PARTY SYSTEM! D.I.Y. (do it yourself) GET ON THE BALLOT DEMAND & ASSERT YOURSELF AND YOUR CHARTER RIGHTS! * First of all, the Elections Canada website makes the whole candidacy thing look like some kind of mystical, arcane cabalistic rite: FORGET IT! DON'T BELIEVE THE HYPE - TYPICALLY CANADIAN CRAP TO MAKE YOU QUIT BEFORE YOU START. Naturally almost their entire focus is on money and laws pertaining to campaign financing, etc. Their site looks more like an income tax guide than an explanation of how to facilitate your participation in an election. IT IS DESIGNED TO DISCOURAGE YOUR PARTICIPATION! DON'T LET ALL THE BAFFLE-GAB AND BULLSHIT DISCOURAGE YOU!!!!!! IT IS YOUR CHARTER RIGHT TO PARTICIPATE AS A CANDIDATE IN AN ELECTION!!!!!!! * FIND SOMEONE AT ELECTIONS CANADA YOU CAN TALK TO IN PERSON! 1. TELL THEM IT IS YOUR CHARTER RIGHT, AS A CANADIAN CITIZEN TO PARTICIPATE AS A CANDIDATE IN THE ELECTION. 2. DEMAND THAT THEY EXPEDIENTLY GUIDE YOU THROUGH THE PROCESS AND ASSIST YOU IN OBTAINING YOUR NOMINATION PAPERS. 3. FIRMLY REMIND THEM THAT THEY ARE EMPLOYED BY YOU TO ASSIST YOU IN DEMYSTIFYING THE PROCESS IN A TIMELY FASHION, THAT IT IS THEIR OBLIGATION TO DO SO. 4. TELL THEM YOU WILL HOLD THEM LIABLE IF THEY FAIL TO DO SO AND YOUR CANDIDACY IS DISQUALIFIED AS A RESULT. 5. IF THEY ARE SURLEY AND REFUSE, TELL THEM YOU ATTEMPTED TO READ THE SITE AND COULDN'T UNDERSTAND A GODDAMN THING, AND YOU'LL SUE THEM IF THEY DON'T HURRY UP AND HELP GET YOU ON THE BALLOT! REMINDER: DON'T PLAN TO SPEND ANY MONEY ON YOUR CAMPAIGN OR ACCEPT ANY DONATIONS - BE FUCKING RESOURCEFUL - THIS ISN'T ABOUT MONEY! * ALL YOU REALLY NEED - WHAT IT COMES DOWN TO AND WHAT YOU WANT TO DO IS THIS - TWO FREAKIN' SHEETS: (1) the 'magical' nomination papers (signature sheets) [Nomination forms are sheets with 10 blank spaces for names, addresses and signatures, witness initials as well as a space for the 'witness' identification, i.e. who the witness is, where they live, etc.] and (2) a sheet to identify your electoral district, you personally as the candidate, your agent and your auditor. BOTH OF THESE are standard elections canada forms!!! * a) GET YOUR 'NOMINATION' FORMS & MAKE PHOTOCOPIES b) GET A COUPLE FRIENDS AND YOURSELF c) GET OUT ON THE STREET IN THE AREA YOU WANT TO RUN d) COLLECT 100 SIGNATURES (go for 150 to be safe) It will take you (and a couple friends) roughly 8 hours (a couple hours a night for a couple days) of standing on the street and going door-to-door saying something like: "I want to run as an independent candidate in the next federal election for the district of '_________________.' "In order to do that I [like every other candidate] am required by law to collect 100 signatures from eligible voters in the district. Will you (please) help support my Charter Right to run as a candidate?" e) RETURN THE FORMS WITH THE $1000.00 DEPOSIT You're on the ballot. WILDY AND UNABASHEDLY PROTEST ANY ATTEMPTS TO DISQUALIFY YOU!!! * Also Note: You are permitted (by-law 82.1, 1993, c. 19, s. 39) to enter buildings for campaign purposes. Furthermore, if you are not self-employed, ask your employer whether you are entitled to leave WITH PAY to participate as a candidate in the election. Forgive my sloppy spelling and grammar. It's not up to me - it's up to THEM, your civil servants at ELECTIONS CANADA, to ASSIST & SUPPLY YOU with the correct information to get yourself on the ballot. DEMAND IT! |
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