
too much audio from the auditor general

Anonyme, Jeudi, Avril 1, 2004 - 09:56

sheila, what gives?

sheila fraser is a neutral third party nominated to do some financial detective work. scour the books, hold the feds accountable, watch the spending. ok.

pad sheila's mandate with open-ended licence to delve into just about anything, qualified by fed claims for transparency and leaving no rock unturned lest they appear as trying to prevent another finding..purge the body. sure, ok.

problem: where does sheila draw the line? her recent findings about security SPENDING are all well and some extents.

i could think of better places for allocating dollars, and think its naive to hope for anything more than a border as a filter, that is and will be permeable.

also, i think that there is a line being crossed recently in the hysteria around security, especialli relating to how much listening and watching by authorities should we tolerate.

that said, a canadian folks are concerned about security, and their gov't spending radars are switched on because of the sponsorship scandal, because of mad cow, beacuse of health care, beacuse of provinces cutting jobs, because people need cash to keep up. the new needed security measures deserve scrutiny, yah? go, sheila.!

but, WHOA sheila!

tell us where the red and black lines are in the ledger. tell us who is fumbling....but don't grandstand with didactic political comments and paternalistic remarks about 'criminal abstractions' and how we should work in closer cahoots with our southern neighbours.

you're making statements that may come out of your analysis by ways of degrees and longer threads but i think you're overstepping your mandate. you are not a foreign policy advisor. if your findngs alter our foreign policy in regard to security issues, ok. good job, make them accountable.

yet, using the scandal momentum to preach, to make statements in grave tones with furrowed eyebrows in 'seriousness' gives morons like captain mundane, stephen harper more grist for the mill. while jack layton may get a leg up, let the jesters do their own work. you do yours in a neutral and transparent way.

don't preach closer ties and a warming of relations. how many 'criminals' are your 'associated' with?

your politicizing is obscured by your 'noble fact-finding'. quit the ruse and come out from behind the smoke. give us the numbers, but don't sell us down the river with more empty lame and rhetoric. i appreciate the idealism, but detest the grab. you should know better.

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