
National Security is a threat to liberty!

Anonyme, Lundi, Janvier 19, 2004 - 14:09

Justice Coalition for Adil Charkaoui

This is a summary of the detention review hearing for Adil Charkaoui in the Montreal Federal Court on january 12th, 2004. Adil Charkaoui is in preventive detention since may 2003. We are still waiting for judge Simon Noel to give a decision. It's to be followed...

Montreal, 12 January 2004. It was in a room packed with journalists and supporters that the detention review of Adil Charkaoui, held without accusation since May 2003, took place. The lawyer for the defense, Mrs. Johanne Doyon, pleaded that Adil Charkaoui should be liberated under bail. This would permit him to be reunited with his family (including his wife and two young children) and it would facilitate the preparation of the
defense. Nine people, including Adil's father, his sister, people who knew him at University of Montreal, peace and justice activist Murray Thomson, and the doctor Amir Khadir, were ready to act as guarantors that Adil would respect his conditions of release, towards which they had put forward a total of $50,000 in bail. The conditions on freedom, which in the words of the judge would amount to Adil being "chained in public," could include a curfew or a restriction to his residence except for work, an interdiction on communication with certain people and even the obligation to wear a GPS bracelet which would allow his movements to be tracked from far away.
The government lawyers argued that it was up to Adil to prove that he does not represent a danger (reversing the presumption of innocence). Mrs. Doyon responded that, to the contrary, it was up to the Ministers to prove that he represented a danger and that "evidence" against Adil was very weak: it rested on allegations provided by individuals whom even American experts had said they couldn't trust. Doyon also argued that, if the Ministers did have any real proof against Charkaoui, they would have gone after him under their anti-terrorist law and not immigration law. In any case, the defense argued
convincingly that Security Certificates are unjust and unconstitutional and she informed the court that an appeal was being launched. Ms Doyon also asked that the court to assume costs, so that Charkaoui be provided the opportunity to defend himself properly. (The government spends well over $1 million dollars on each security certificate case.)
It remains to be seen what Judge Noel will decide. Adil Charkaoui, who is in his eighth month of preventive detention, is not accused of anything and is undergoing a parody of justice. In July 2003, Judge Noel decided to uphold the detention of Adil and ignore the question of conditions, saying that he had reasonable grounds to believe that Adil represented a danger. Doyon argued that the judge had erred, that what has to be proven is that Adil really is a danger. At the detention review hearing, no new proof was presented by the Ministers. Ms Doyon argued that with the conditions, Charkaoui could not represent a danger; and that the $50,000 bail along with the other conditions placed on his release should satisfy the judge as to all danger.
The Coalition for Justice for Adil Charkaoui extends its thanks to all of those who came out to show their solidarity. It was very important for the morale of Adil and his family to know that they are not alone in facing this huge cold machine that is the Canadian state. Thanks again for the solidarity who support this struggle (which continues!) for a fair and just trial and for the abolition of Security Certificates!

Justice Coalition for Adil Charkaoui
Phone: (514) 859 9023
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Justice Coalition for Adil Charkaoui's web site. To know more about secutiry certificates and the struggle to stop secret trials in Canada.

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