
Demonstration tuesday December 16th vs. ALCAN

The Oldest Soul, Mercredi, Décembre 10, 2003 - 22:48

Montreal Muslim News

Support indigenous and poor people in India who are being attacked for their opposition to an ALCAN-supported project which pollutes their environment and duins their land!

December 16th Callout for Kashipur Commemoration and Solidarity!

From: Kashipur Solidarity (

Join Indigenous and Low-Caste Peoples' Movement in
their struggle with ALCAN through mass global action,
December 16, 2003 12-1 PM (EST)!

Dear Friends, you have either expressed interest in
supporting the people of Kashipur's struggle or are
potentially interested. Next Tuesday, December 16th
will be the first mass public event in North America
supporting the movement which you are asked to
participate in. Please forward this call-out widely to
any interested parties.

If in Montreal meet at 12 PM at 1188 Sherbrooke Street
West (corner Stanley).

If elsewhere or in Montreal but unable to come to
Sherbrooke Street, call ALCAN executive Jeremy Jonas
at 514-848-8000 between 12-1PM (EST).

Please find included in this message:

1) Press Release for North America solidarity event,
December 16th 2003
2) Suggested talking points and contact information
for solidarity callers
3) Detailed Background Information on the Kashipur

1) Press Release (feel free to use this, or a
modified version in your locale)
ALCAN juggling with the futures of marginalized
peoples living in India
Three villagers already killed by violent repression

Montreal, December 8, 2003 - As the fourth World
Social Forum prepares to converge in Mumbai, much
attention is building on Montreal-based aluminum
multinational ALCAN and its questionable activities in
the Forum's host country. On December 16, 2003 from
12-1 PM (EST) Montrealers will be gathering at ALCAN
headquarters and supporters from across North America
will be calling in at 1188 Sherbrooke Street West to
creatively challenge ALCAN's presence in India.
On December 16, 2000 Damodar Jhodia, Abhilash Jhodia
and Raghunath Jhodia were murdered by police in a
police-instigated firing at Maikanch village, of the
Kashipur region in the east Indian state of Orissa.
These three men were targeted for being some of the
thousands who stand staunchly against a proposed
bauxite mine and refinery on their land. The mine and
refinery could displace up to 60 000 people from their
ancestral homes, destroying their livelihoods and
culture, contaminating their food and water sources
and obliterating their spiritual sites. ALCAN has a
45% share in this proposal which it quietly increased
from 35% when Norwegian giant multinational Norsk
Hydro pulled out because of the project

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