
Autonomuos January

Anonyme, Jeudi, Novembre 27, 2003 - 22:01


From Rocanegra, Argentina. Ronda Internacional de Pensamiento Autonomo

After ten months of meetings and sharing of a thinking space, we have
able to collectively create a fertile territory to build new ways of
existence and political practices based in horizontalism and autonomy.

Our circle is a conjunction of different ways of exploring and
experiences in the anticapitalist
struggle: neighborhood assemblies, unemployed workers movements,
spaces, counterinformation
collectives, amongst others.

Together we learn and together we unlearn. We debate about the
obstacles and ways of subordination that we are confronted with by the
and the market. We also debate about ways of collective organizing that
create egalitarian, solidarity and free relationships. Our round tries
produce here and now the world that we desire.

During each day, in different spaces of the meeting, we will share
experiences & stories about:

> Autonomy & education

> Autonomy & indigenous people

> Autonomy & public health

> Autonomy, art & politics

> Autonomy & communication

We will add to this any proposal we receive.

Also, in each day we will also share experiences & stories together on
central round. Our proposal is to organize these central rounds
with the following themes:

8th of December: Meeting & introduction

9th of December: Autonomous practices: organization & construction of

10th of December: The relationships of autonomous organizations with
State, Market & Repression

11th of December: Balance & farewell

We will commit ourselves to guarantee a space of freedom in which all
experiences of autonomy & struggle will be capable of sharing their
with everyone.

We want AUTONOMOUS JANUARY to be built by all. We await your proposal
join up with workshops, activities, desires, etc. To contact the
international round of autonomous thinking, email (you can email without subscribing).


On the tenth anniversary of the Zapatista rebellion and on the second
anniversary of December 19 and 20

from Roca Negra/Argentina/Southern Hemisphere/Planet Earth

Ronda de pensamiento Internacional

Dossier G20
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