
Montreal Mobilisation against the FTAA

anonyme, Dimanche, Octobre 19, 2003 - 15:29
2003-10-27 18:00
2003-10-27 20:00

at l'X 182 Ste-Catherine east


Montreal Mobilisation against the FTAA
-November 20th, 2003-
== Reclaim the streets==

Informational Assembly
October 27th, 6 pm at l'X

The anti-capitalist coalition against the FTAA (CACZLEA) of Montreal, invites all groups, associations, collectives, and individuals who would like to get involved and/or participate in a mobilisation against the
meeting of the trade ministers of the countries negotiating the FTAA in Miami from November 19 to November 21 2003.

A "RECLAIM THE STREET" type event, including artistic performances of all types, food, painting, music and video projection, will be organized to denounce the FTAA's destructive policies. Our goal is to create a space of
creativity and resistance in the streets of Montreal in solidarity with the actions taking place in Miami.

If you're interested or want to know more about the mobilisation, we invite you to the next assembly on October 27th at 6 pm at l'X (182 Ste-Catherine east) or to get in touch with us by e-mail.

The participation of everyone is welcome and encouraged!! It's important that the diverse spectrums of our communities are represented so that the people in positions of power and defenders of the FTAA get the message that the people will not allow this agreement to pass.


This mobilisation will be organized under the hallmarks of CACZLÉA.

Our hallmarks (summarized) are:
-Against FTAA and all other neo-liberal agreements (Plan Puebla Panama, Plan
Colombia, NAFTA).
-Against capitalism and imperialism.
-Against patriarchy and all forms of oppression and domination.
-For a horizontal, non-hierarchical, and decentralised mode of organising
(direct democracy).
-For self-determination and autonomous alternatives.
-For creative and diverse forms of resistance.
-For the respect of freedom and dignity.
-For an equal and responsible interaction with nature, so against
anthropocentrism and ecocides.

CACZLÉA also endorses the People's Global Action hallmarks. See: .

For more information or voice mail at (514) 409-2049.

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