
Exposing the Racist European Heritage Week

Anonyme, Mercredi, Octobre 15, 2003 - 19:36


European Heritage Week is a racist, extremist right-wing project.

The so-called "European Heritage Week" is an attempt by an extremist right-wing group with several close ties to white supremacist organizations to pose as defenders of equal rights while clearly advancing a white power and fascist agenda.

The so-called "European Heritage Week" is an attempt by an extremist right-wing group with several close ties to white supremacist organizations to pose as defenders of equal rights while clearly advancing a white power and fascist agenda.


European Heritage Week is the creation of the Nationalist Party of Canada, led by Don Andrews, a convicted hate criminal. In 1994, Andrews unsuccessfully attempted to get several Canadian cities to endorse European Heritage Day as a day to commemorate European contributions to Canadian culture. Some cities accepted the proclamation but cancelled after finding out that the plan was the work of white supremacists. In 1998, Andrews attempted to get European Heritage Week declared in London Ontario through the European Heritage Week Committee. The city council recognized the committee as neo-nazi sympathizers and the European Heritage Week plan was unanimously revoked by London's 13 city councillors.

Ties to Racist Groups and Individuals

Defenders of European Heritage Week include Martin Weiche, a London Ontario based Nazi supporter who has taken part in KKK style cross burnings. Weiche has filed has filed papers to take the London Ontario Municipal Council before the Human Rights Commission as he feels that he has been discriminated against because of his European Heritage.

The Nationalist Party of Canada has links to several white supremacist organizations on their website, including: the National Alliance; a U.S. based fascist organization, the Heritage Front Canadian; a white supremacist group and a website defending Holocaust denier Ernst Zundel, one of the "intellectual" leaders of the Canadian white power, extremist right-wing movement.

Further Reading

The Far Rightwing Movement in Southwest Ontario

The New Face of Fascism in Canada

Anti-Racist Action Canada

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