Exposing the Racist European Heritage WeekAnonyme, Mercredi, Octobre 15, 2003 - 19:36
European Heritage Week is a racist, extremist right-wing project. The so-called "European Heritage Week" is an attempt by an extremist right-wing group with several close ties to white supremacist organizations to pose as defenders of equal rights while clearly advancing a white power and fascist agenda. The so-called "European Heritage Week" is an attempt by an extremist right-wing group with several close ties to white supremacist organizations to pose as defenders of equal rights while clearly advancing a white power and fascist agenda.
Background Ties to Racist Groups and Individuals The Nationalist Party of Canada has links to several white supremacist organizations on their website, including: the National Alliance; a U.S. based fascist organization, the Heritage Front Canadian; a white supremacist group and a website defending Holocaust denier Ernst Zundel, one of the "intellectual" leaders of the Canadian white power, extremist right-wing movement.
Further Reading
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