

CANO, Mercredi, Octobre 15, 2003 - 17:54

Andean Aboriginal Nations Council

(Picture: La Patria Newspaper, Oruro, Bolivia)
The Andean Aboriginal Nations Council manifests its reject of Gonzalo Sanchez de Lozada’s repressive policies and the massacres commited by its government on the Bolivian people and invite you to write to the Bolivian authorities so they know their odious acts are repudiated by everyone. Such blood spilling must not be kept unpunished, we have to ACT NOW and show our solidarity with our Bolivian brothers and sisters who are struggling with a pseudo-democratic government ignoring their demands.

Please sign and send this letter to the following email addresses, fax numbers and regular postal addresses. This letter is only a model, so we encourage you to write your own personal letter to the Bolivian government.
Jallalla !!!

October 14th 2003

Sir President Gonzalo Sánchez de Lozada,

By the present letter I want to manifest my profound consternation regarding the violence occurring since the beginning of the government formed by your party MNR (Revolutionary Nationalist Movement) and its allies MIR, NFR and others, and presided by you. During the last few days these acts of violence have reached a critical level of atrocity.

To this day, your 14 months administration have produced the surprising number of 124 deaths and hundreds of wounded, victims of the police and military forces under your orders, which gives a mean of at least two deaths each week. This incites me to express my deep preoccupation regarding these useless life loss that produced hundreds of orphans and mourning person. I am convinced that the solution to the dramatic economical and social situation the Bolivians are going through is certainly not silencing forever the cries of those who only reclaim justice and equal distribution of wealth.

I know the Bolivian population, in majority indigenous, presents the highest rates of poverty, unemployment, malnutrition and corruption of all South America. The Bolivian people’s reality, totally beyond its governing leader’s imagination, has produced a high level of rebellion, the same that has been shown in the last weeks. Today the government is overwhelmed by the events and the people’s wrath is erupting out of control.

To the international community, you have falsely declared that the present mass movement had been instigated by subversive elements. On the contrary, the Bolivians have spontaneously flowed through the streets and blocked the roads, and have freely decided to demand you to resign.

No human being could stay indifferent to this disheartening situation of outrage against humanity. It is why, to show my solidarity with the mourning Bolivian people and with the victim’s families, I would like to show you my energetic condemnation and reject of your government’s coercive and repressive policies. Thus I call to your high investiture to resolve the following points as soon as possible:

- Immediately pacify the country by the demilitarization the zones under occupation.
- Fulfil the treaties firmed by the government with the indigenous peoples.
- Start a real dialogue basing itself on the demands of the matrix Bolivian peoples organizations such as COB and CSUTCB (Confederation of Bolivian Workers and Bolivian Indigenous Peoples Union)
- Investigate on the material and intellectual authors of the 120 and more crimes perpetrated during your administration and give them an exemplary punishment.
- Justly compensate the victims’ families

These are the actions I expect from your government.

Hoping that this letter will be effective, please receive my distinguished salutations,

Write to :

Presidencia de la República de Bolivia:
Gonzalo Sánchez de Lozada

Vicepresidencia de la República:
Carlos Mesa Gisbert

Presidencia de la H. Cámara de Diputados:
Guido Añez Moscoso

Presidencia del H. Senado Nacional:
Mirtha Quevedo Acalinovic

Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores y Culto
Doctor: Carlos Armando Saavedra Bruno
Dirección: Plaza Murillo - c. Ingavi esq. c. Junín, La Paz – Bolivia
Fax: (591)(2) 2408642 / 2408905/ 2112163
Correo: La Paz, Bolivia

Ministerio de Defensa Nacional
Licenciado: Freddy Teodovich Ortiz
Dirección: Avenida 20 de octubre 2502, Esquina Pedro Salazar La Paz, Bolivia
Fax: (591) 2 2433153

Ministerio de la Presidencia e Interino de Justicia y Derechos Humanos
Doctor: José Guillermo Justiniano
Av. Camacho No. 1485 Casilla No. 6500 La Paz Bolivia
Fax: (591-2) 2200383

Ministerio de Gobierno
Doctor: Yerko Kukoc del Carpio
Dirección: Avenida Sánchez Lima No. 2504 Esquina Pedro Salazar Plaza Abaroa, Sopocachi , La Paz Bolivia
Fax: (591-2) 2410870 – 2419973

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