
Trial for riot at the Summit of the Americas

Anonyme, Dimanche, Septembre 7, 2003 - 17:11


The author is accused of participation to a riot during the Carnival against capitalism during the Summit of the Americas. He is representing himself in front of a jury. Here is the minutes of the first day of trial.

September 5th, 2003

We had to choose 12 jurors between the 150 cadidates that were called (!); the defence and the Crown had 4 each that they could eliminate. The selection of the jury happened in the morning and I was not very awake… So the jury is composed of one boss that said that she could not be impartial because of the media (it s a good stard…), one guy who works for an insurance company, a woman at home (femme au foyer?), one nurse, two computer guys, one maths teacher, one jobless woman, one weaver, a woman who works for the Center of Recovery of the Minister of Social Security, a carpenter who has cops as colleagues (?!) and another person.
The judge Grenier started by telling the 12 jurors that they had to put their prejudices aside and to consider me as innocent until the prosecution has proven beyond reasonable doubt that I was guilty. He reminded them that their deliberation was secret. After that, the prosecutor, Quintin, spoke about the Summit of the Americas and said that the freedom to demonstrate was protected by the Charter only if it is pacific protests. He said that some people used to Summit as an occasion to demonstrate violently and said that I was part of them. He said that on april 20 there was a “vast violent protest

Web site of the Collective Opposed to Police Brutality

Dossier G20
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