
Mel Hurtig - A True Canadian Patriot

Anonyme, Samedi, Août 16, 2003 - 17:55


There is a massive disservice being committed by certain segments of the Canadian public and business community. This disservice comes in the shape of expanded 'free trade'.

Sadly this disservice has permeated itself into our elected officials and our now nearly majority foreign owned corporations. Right wing think tanks and Americanizers from coast to coast are cattle prodding this nation into colony status. They know this is not what Canadian want or need, but from their own mouths - "we will do this whether the Canadian public likes it or not". Well fellow Canadians that about says it all.

There is hope o­n the horizon though. Time has not yet run out o­n Canada. There are many groups and individuals in Canada that are fighting to keep Canada a sovereign nation. O­ne of the Canadians leading this charge is Mel Hurtig. Below are some excerpts from his latest speech at the Couchiching Conference.

Years ago I had lunch with long time CIA agent Philip Agee. I asked him if there were many CIA agents working in Canada. He said since Canada wasn’t his beat, he wasn’t sure how many exactly, but wasn’t there a great deal of U.S. direct investment in this country?

I said that in fact, there was more U.S. direct investment in Canada than in any country in the world.

He said, “Well, you’ve just answered your own question.

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