
Description of eye-witness testimony of abduction

anarcat, Mardi, Juillet 29, 2003 - 12:56

The Anarcat

This is a transcription of the testimony of an eyewitness that was actually with the people that got abduction supposedly by police in the green zone today.

"I'm Mary, I was down at the park, and I met these guys who were coming for the... I guess to hang out in the park, at the green zone. As we were talking suddenly three enourmous beefcake guys came up, attacked the three guys that I was talking to, takled them, without saying a word. As I was trying to intervene, asking them who they were, what they were doing, they shouted back that they were police. They hit me, and they threw one by one each guy into the van that was waiting on the side of the road. I didn't see it, but apparently there was someone with a radio headset in the driver's seat so they may have been police as they were claiming, they showed us their guns, and they didn't say anything more. They just jumped into the van and took off. There was some other witnesses around that were completely shocked by what was happening. They ran across the street as the kidnapping was taking place, they tried to intervene as well, but got the same reply and they took off. It was done extremely violently, with no.. there was no... it wasn't even an attempt to make it look like an arrest it was simply an abduction.. and what we saw go down at the park.. The legal support people are on the case and they have access to more detailed information as well."

Rock the WTO radio, live coverage from the demos and police repression in montreal

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