
WTO UPDATE from Montreal - Arbitrary Mass Arrests - 17 Maritimers arrested

Anonyme, Lundi, Juillet 28, 2003 - 13:58

Atlantic Mobilization for Global Justice

MONTREAL - At least 17 people who travelled from the Maritimes have been (or are presently being) arrested (as of noon EST) at protests against the World Trade Organization (WTO) Mini-ministerial in Montreal.

About 100-200 people have been surrounded by police and are being photographed and put onto busses. Reports indicate that people were peacefully assembled, with permission, on private property at the time of their surrounding.

Some of the busses with arrestees were reportedly rocking back and forth. Even after being arrested, people are still expressing resistance to the unlawful and arbitrary arrests, and to the immoral and arbitrary actions of the WTO.

WTO UPDATE from Montreal - Arbitrary Mass Arrests / 17 Maritimers arrested
Criminalization of Dissent --> Right to Protest Removed

Monday, July 28, 2003

MONTREAL - At least 17 people who travelled from the Maritimes have been (or are presently being) arrested (as of noon EST) at protests against the World Trade Organization (WTO) Mini-ministerial in Montreal.

About 100-200 people have been surrounded by police and are being photographed and put onto busses. Reports indicate that people were peacefully assembled, with permission, on private property at the time of their surrounding.

According to CBC radio, arrestees are being charged with participating in an illegal demonstration. Another report said "participation in a riot". It is likely that the actual charge is "unlawful assembly."

This morning two Maritime "Street Medics" were targeted by police "snatch squads."
"Street Medics" role at the protest is to give basic first aid to injured protesters and bystanders (usually as a result of police violence and/or chemical weapons). Unfortunately, police sometimes target "Street Medics", despite the fact that their role is strictly legal. Some suggest that police target Street Medics because police chemical weapons and police violence become more effective when there are less street medics.

Organizer Jaggi Singh was also arrested (surprise, surprise). The police love him. That's what you get for being an organizer and taking 'disruptive' actions such as talking into a megaphone. Funny, he never gets convicted of anything.

Island resident and organizer Aaron Koleszar says "People don't need to have done anything wrong or illegal to be arrested by police. Mass arrests are frequently used (especially in Montreal) as a means to get people off the street, with additional effects of documenting their names, photos, etc, intimidating protesters, and others who might join protests, arbitrary punishment of protesters through the arrest, jail, court, legal costs, costs of returning to court, time and effort of returning to court, and so on. Some call it a tax on activism." Koleszar knows of these costs first hand. He stayed at home due to court conditions that removed his constitutional rights to travel and attend public demonstrations.

Some of the busses with arrestees were reportedly rocking back and forth. Even after being arrested, people are still expressing resistance to the unlawful and arbitrary arrests, and to the immoral and arbitrary actions of the WTO.

As far as we know, there are no notable injuries and people are more or less safe (considering the circumstances).

Arrestees names are not being made public unless / until they give their permission.
If you are seeking information on a particular individual, contact Aaron Koleszar

** EMERGENCY APPEAL for Financial Support
Organizers are appealing to the public for financial support for arrestees. The arrested Maritimers will likely need money for bail and possibly for travel home, depending on when they are released, and when the bus returns. Those wishing to help can contact Aaron Koleszar

Many thanks to all those arrested, for risking and sacrificing their freedom to expose and oppose the real criminals - the people behind the immoral and unjust policies of the WTO, and their minions.

Further updates to follow...
La lucha continua...
Aaron Koleszar

For more info and updates, also see:
Maritimes Indymedia -->
Quebec Indymedia -->
Montreal Indymedia -->
Popular Mobilization Against the WTO -->
Rock the WTO Radio -->

police contact re: arrestees?
Leigh Thomson
Lun, 2003-07-28 20:34

Thank you Aaron for the update about arrestees. Were you able to provide your email address so that people can contact you with questions about individuals? I presume you would know only about people from the Maritimes.

We are in Ontario, and are wondering how our friends are doing, who might have been arrested today. Does anyone have the contact numbers for the Montreal police, or the legal team, so that we can find out if people need bail help.

Leigh Thomson

[ ]

phone number
Mar, 2003-07-29 07:11

I have a phone number for a legal hotline for the WTO protest. I called them this morning and they said that they don't yet have specific details on individuals, but should know more this afternoon as hearings take place.


As far as I can tell, they released a handful of people who were obviously not involved in the protests (neighborhood residents, for example). The rest are still being held and the hearings are this morning. I no idea as to what the specific charges are (although I heard 'illegal assembly' is the headlining charge).

I hope the arrested and the people who are participating in the solidarity movements understand how amazing their actions are and that there are people all across the coutry who are offering their support, despite their inability to be in Montreal with them.

[ ]

Mar, 2003-07-29 06:33

I would like to find out about the current situation of the arrested Maritimes. My best friend is among them and I haven't heard from him since yesterday at noon. How would I go about getting specific details?

Thanks. Merci.

[ ]

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