
Spread the word: EXPOSE the W.T.O.!!!

The Oldest Soul, Vendredi, Juillet 25, 2003 - 00:22

IMC Radio

The Independent Media Convergence (IMC) has set up a LIVE WEBCAST throughout the WTO's visit. This webcast will consist, along with other content, of LIVE REPORTS made directly to the studio by ordinary people and concerned citizens throughout the coming days...

Spread the Word: EXPOSE THE W.T.O.!!!!!

Between Sunday July 27th and Wednesday July 30th, the WTO will be in Montréal. Demonstrations and mass-actions are planned to draw attention to the unethical activities of the member governments of this organization, and the multinational corporations it serves, as well as the constructive alternatives proposed by thousands of concerned citizens. Many newsworthy events are expected throughout the coming days.

To ensure that the public is informed about these, and not confined to a biased and insubstantial coverage of the relevant social issues, the Independent Media Convergence (IMC) has set up a LIVE WEBCAST throughout the WTO's visit. This webcast will consist, along with other content, of LIVE REPORTS made directly to the studio by ordinary people and concerned citizens throughout the coming days.

At any time between Sunday and Wednesday, simply call the local number and tell everyone what's really happening on the streets, in your homes, and in your hearts and minds. Have your reports aired LIVE on the World Wide Web! This is our chance to spread the truth, spread our good will, discuss our alternatives and our solutions, and expose the WTO!

Between Sunday July 27th and Wednesday July 30th, at any time

CALL: (514) 844-3207

Help the decent human beings of this city to denounce and expose the wrongs and hypocrisy of the World Trade Organization, and further our comprehensive ongoing proposals for a better future!

Another World IS Possible!

CALL: (514) 844-3207

Tune into this webcast at

Dossier G20
  Nous vous offrons plusieurs reportages indépendants et témoignages...

Très beau dessin: des oiseaux s'unissent pour couper une cloture de métal, sur fonds bleauté de la ville de Toronto.
Liste des activités lors de ce
« contre-sommet » à Toronto

Vous pouvez aussi visiter ces médias alternatifs anglophones...

Centre des médias Alternatifs Toronto

Media Co-op Toronto

Toronto Community Mobilization
(en Anglais)

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Collectif à Québec: n'existe plus.

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This is an alternative media using open publishing. The CMAQ collective, who validates the posts submitted on the Indymedia-Quebec, does not endorse in any way the opinions and statements and does not judge if the information is correct or true. The quality of the information is evaluated by the comments from Internet surfers, like yourself. We nonetheless have an Editorial Policy , which essentially requires that posts be related to questions of emancipation and does not come from a commercial media.