
Hungry In Hazelton

Anonyme, Mercredi, Juillet 23, 2003 - 19:39

Gordon Flett

When the anti-union B.C. Liberal provincial government sold pulp producer Skeena Cellulose, the buyer closed the doors of the Carnaby mill in Hazelton. Over 100 workers were left without jobs.

Hungry in Hazelton

When the anti-union B.C. Liberal provincial government sold pulp producer Skeena Cellulose, the buyer closed the doors of the Carnaby mill in Hazelton. Over 100 workers were left without jobs. That was two years ago, and the Communications, Energy & Paperworkers Union of Canada (CEP), Local 404 members have been trying to get the mill reopened ever since. The new owner cut timber and sold off raw logs. Then it attempted to sell the heavy movable equipment at the mill.

CEP members lobbied the District of Hazelton and the District placed a lien on the equipment for unpaid taxes. The employer then called for bids to sell the fixed equipment in the mill. The union began a blockade to stop the owner from dismantling and selling off the mill piece by piece.

EI has run out -- welfare for some, nothing for others!

All CEP members have run out of Employment Insurance benefits. Some have received welfare, but under the new Liberal rules, many have not qualified. There are a few casual jobs around Hazelton, but most workers are desperate and they and their families are HUNGRY. They can't even put gas in their tanks to get to the blockade.


Send Mo Azaz, President of Local 404, a message of solidarity by e-mail to
Send funds by check, bank draft, or money order, made out to CEP Local 404: Save Carnaby, to the following address:
PO Box 160
New Hazelton, BC, Canada
V0J 2J0


For more information:

Call: Joy Langan, CEP Representative, 604-945-6616;
Fax: 604-945-0113;

Call: CEP Local 404, 1-250-842-6483
Fax: 1-250-842-6481


* To save the mill;
* To get the Liberals to turn the mill over to the workers and the community of Hazelton;
* To get back to work and feed their families.


Dossier G20
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