

patc, Mardi, Juillet 15, 2003 - 13:00


As Part of The Popular Mobilization Against the WTO

Doors @ 8pm 6$
Cafe Esperanza 5490 St. Laurent
(corner of St-Viateur)

Benefit for IMC Convergence Against the WTO Montreal 2003
With Films, Presentations & DJ's

As part of the "Popular Mobilization Against the WTO" Independent media
activists from throughout North America will be coming to Montreal to work
collectively to provide up-to-the-minute reports through photos, audio,
written reports and video footage which cover the "Popular Mobilization
Against the WTO". The media convergence in being facilitated by CMAQ (the
Independent Media Center of Quebec), the Independent Media Center of
Montreal and various grassroots media activists from Montreal and beyond.


Gretchen King: Gretchen has been cultivating spaces for Indymedia radio
mobilizations since the WTO dared to meet in Seattle in 1999. Gretchen has
been an active participant radio revolution as a means of connecting
mobilizations worldwide through the FM dial and over the internet.
Gretchen is currently the Community News Director at CKUT Radio (90.3fm)
in Montreal creating a space for communities to broadcast their resistance
over the FM dial.

Jaggi Singh: Jaggi is a Montreal based activist and writer who is actively
organizing with the Popular Mobilization Against the WTO. Jaggi is also
active with the No One is Illegal Campaign and CLAC (the Anti-Capitalist
Convergence of Montreal). Jaggi's writings have been published in many
indepedent journals & websites such as & as well
as main-stream publications such as the Globe & Mail & Montreal Gazette.

Dexter X: Dexter is an activist DJ, broadcaster, media trainer and former
coordinator at CKUT 90.3FM. Dexter has hung banners, and trained climbers
for Greenpeace and has worked as a paralegal with the Just Cause Legal
Collective. Dexter has been a climb trainer for the Ruckus Society since
1997. Dexter has just returned from two months in the Southern Tagalog
region of the Philippines where he conducted radio workshops for the
People's Center for Progressive Media.

Patrick Cadorette: Patrick is a member of the Quebec Centre for media
Alternatives collective ( He is active with the
editorial comitee and helps coordinator many of CMAQ's various activities.
He is also working with various other independent media activists to
consolidate an alternative media of solidarity network throughout Quebec.
Patrick also produces and hosts an international news program on Radio
Centre-Ville community Radio CINQ 102,3Fm, in Montreal.


Tent City Montreal 2003 (Les Lucioles):
This film was taken at the recent & ongoing Tent City action in Montreal
organized by CLAC logement, Comité des sans emploi & Comité logement
Ahuntsic-Cartierville. The film paints a picture of the brutal police
eviction of Tent City and the activities & actions organized at Tent City
throughout the day of July 5th. (

"La minute du patrimoine" G8 Labor Ministers Protest (Les Lucioles):
This film looks at the demonstration organized by CLAC (the
Anti-Capitalist Convergence) against the G8 Labor Ministers meetings here
in Montreal from April 25-27th in 2002. The demonstration organized in the
lead up to the Take the Capital actions in Ottawa against the G8 began
with popular education workshops in Dorchester Square in downtown
Montreal. When the demonstrators took to the streets, Montreal riot police
surround the entire demonstration and 317 demonstrators arrested simply
for demonstrating.

Trading Freedom: The Secret Life of the FTAA:
A film produced by the Independent Media Center which compiles independent
video footage from hundreds of video activists who acted as independent
journalists as part of the mobilization to oppose the FTAA in Quebec in
April of 2001.

No Way FNGA!: 4000 Rally Against the First Nations Governance Act:
A film produced by the Thunder Bay Independent Media Center about the
recent mobilization of 4000 people which took place on May 15th, 2003 in
Kenora Ontario to oppose the FNGA. This is a short film illustrates the
strength of indigenous resistance to ongoing Canadian colonization
throughout indigenous communities in the North.

Co-Presented by Les Lucioles, Alternative Media Center of Quebec (CMAQ),
the Popular Mobilization Against the WTO & CKUT Radio Montreal

For more information contact the "Popular Mobilization Against the WTO"
Telephone: 514 409 2049

Dossier G20
  Nous vous offrons plusieurs reportages indépendants et témoignages...

Très beau dessin: des oiseaux s'unissent pour couper une cloture de métal, sur fonds bleauté de la ville de Toronto.
Liste des activités lors de ce
« contre-sommet » à Toronto

Vous pouvez aussi visiter ces médias alternatifs anglophones...

Centre des médias Alternatifs Toronto

Media Co-op Toronto

Toronto Community Mobilization
(en Anglais)

CMAQ: Vie associative

Collectif à Québec: n'existe plus.

Impliquez-vous !


Ceci est un média alternatif de publication ouverte. Le collectif CMAQ, qui gère la validation des contributions sur le Indymedia-Québec, n'endosse aucunement les propos et ne juge pas de la véracité des informations. Ce sont les commentaires des Internautes, comme vous, qui servent à évaluer la qualité de l'information. Nous avons néanmoins une Politique éditoriale , qui essentiellement demande que les contributions portent sur une question d'émancipation et ne proviennent pas de médias commerciaux.

This is an alternative media using open publishing. The CMAQ collective, who validates the posts submitted on the Indymedia-Quebec, does not endorse in any way the opinions and statements and does not judge if the information is correct or true. The quality of the information is evaluated by the comments from Internet surfers, like yourself. We nonetheless have an Editorial Policy , which essentially requires that posts be related to questions of emancipation and does not come from a commercial media.