
Anarchy at work!

Anonyme, Dimanche, Mai 4, 2003 - 22:18


Anarchy at work!

The tour starts today!

A speaking tour of anarchist-communists involved in workplace struggles.

Anarchy at work!

The tour starts today!

Quebec: Saturday, May 3rd, 155 Charest E., Salle 2, 19h00

Montreal: Tuesday May 6, Cafe La Petite Gaule, 2525 Rue Centre (metro Charlevoix), 19h00

Sudbury: Wednesday, May 7, 111 Larch St., 7pm

Guelph: Friday, May 9, Matrix Centre, 131 Woolwich St., 6:30pm

Toronto: Saturday, May 10, 519 Church St. Community Centre, 3pm

Kingston: Sunday, May 11, The Sleepless Goat Cafe, 91 Princess St., 2pm

Ottawa: Sunday, May 11, 320 Elgin St., Room 201, 6:30pm

Hamilton: Monday, May 12, WAHC, 51 Stuart St., 7pm

*We encourage the hosts of tour stops to offer childcare at the event.


- Duke Aaron, International Organizer for AFSCME, member and steward of USU, member of the Roundhouse Collective (NEFAC-Baltimore)

- Christine Karatnytsky, Librarian, NYC Public Libraries, member of AFSCME local 1930, member of Open City Anarchist Collective (NEFAC-NYC)

- Nicolas Robertson, External Coordonnator of the People's Potato, member of Groupe anarchiste Bete Noire (NEFAC-Montreal)

- Jeff Shantz, Teachers Assistant, York University, member of CUPE 3903, supporter of NEFAC-Toronto


For a long time, North American anarchists seem to have abandonned the terrain of workplace struggles. But yet, the working class forms the only group in society capable of building a radically different society, a libertarian communist society.

We consider the participation of anarchists in unions and in the workers movement in general to be essential, because the resistance of workers is the best weapon against capitalism and the State.

U.S. Anarchists will come share their experiences of involvement in the workers movement and unions south of the border. The goal of this is to make clear anarchist points of view on workplace organizing and to see how, as revolutionaries, we can take part in these struggles while making popular anarchist practices in the workplace.


Tour sponsored by the Northeastern Federation of Anarcho-Communists (NEFAC)

Contact and information...
Groupe anarchiste Bete Noire (NEFAC-Mtl):

Dossier G20
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