
The disciples of Proudhon

Anonyme, Lundi, Avril 14, 2003 - 06:28

Francisco Trindade

The disciples of Proudhon

In general terms I call himself the attention for the fact of Proudhon do solitarian illustration in the French history of the socialism, without disciples nor true prosecutor. To the first it is exact it is necessary however, to take in bill the great militants descent - Eugène Varlin, a James Guillaume, and Fernand Pelloutier, a Victor Griffuelhes - that never ceased of opposing an inspiration and a practice libertarian to the insinuating Marxist orthodoxy. And this to the war of 1914 at least.
Among your successors without permit, the most illustrious, in spite of being it fewer marked, he is surely Charles Péguy. He doesn't ignore her that the poet of Mystère of la charité of Jeanne d`Arc and of Eve he hugs in first place a too personal socialism, that should not never renounce in spite of the insipidities. In compensation the stays more last acquaintance in silence, the surprising likeness of your personality and of your revolutionary vision with the one of Proudhon.
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