
Repression in Thailand

Anonyme, Mardi, Février 25, 2003 - 11:22

Dictator Watch

A new Asian dictatorship


Contact: Roland Watson, Please see for links to the full press release and the reports and photo essay described below.


Prime Minister Thaksin of Thailand visited Burma February 9-10. In response to this visit, and as a submission to the Free Burma CoalitionÕs national conference at George Washington University, February 15-16, Dictator Watch announces the release of three new reports and one photo essay. These document ThailandÕs support for the Burmese juntaÕs program of ethnic cleansing along their shared border, and they include information regarding refugees, internally displaced persons, attacked villages, the use of porters resulting in death, and ÒBlack Zones.Ó

The reports and photo essay are:

- The Fifty-Five That Disappeared
- Sixty-Three Lives That Do Not Matter, Persecuted in Burma - Denied Sanctuary in Thailand
- The Yielding of Thai Sovereignty
- Reasons to be a Refugee (photo essay)

Dossier G20
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