
Support the G-20 arrestees

PML, Dimanche, Février 16, 2003 - 10:53

Jaggi Singh

This Monday (February 17), 31 Montreal-area residents, activists and organizers will again be on trial for their involvement in the anti-G20 protests that took place outside the Sheraton Hotel in Montreal on October 23, 2000. More than 2 years after the events, the trial is now proceeding. The defendants face various charges ranging from illegal assembly to causing a disturbance to mischief.

The G20 defendants encourage all supporters, and everyone outraged about Montreal's mass arrest strategy at demonstrations in recent years, to attend the court hearings in solidarity. One defendant is defending himself, and various police witnesses are being thoroughly cross-examined.

The trial continues on Monday, February 17 courtroom 1.80 of the Municipal Court (at the foot of St-Denis, at 775 rue Gosford, at metro Champ-de-Mars). The trial begins at 9:30am, and usually breaks for lunch at 1pm until resuming at 2:30pm. Please attend for as long as you can. To stay in touch with the G-20 defendants, please e-mail

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Dossier G20
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