
Call For An Anti-capitalist Contingent Against The War

PML, Mardi, Février 11, 2003 - 11:17


No Blood For Oil!

No War Between Nations No Peace Between Classes!

Once again, the western ruling classes, grouped around the US government and it's war machine, are ready to massacre the poor and a population that has already suffered enough. The Canadian State, accomplice of this massacre, claims it is acting in our name and as a saviour of democracy, when in fact it is only defending the interests of the rich and their petro-dollars. On February 15th, we should make it clear that we are not for some kind of utopian peace nor for the continuation of the status quo between the rich and the poor, but that the only war to be waged is a class war against capitalism and the States that support it.

We must not let them act in impunity. No to capitalist wars!

Join the anti-capitalist contingent in the anti-war march organized by the "Échec à la guerre" collective.

Saturday February 15th at 1pm, at the corner of Peel
and René-Lévesque(Look for the banner "Pas de sang versé pour le pétrole"

A call by NEFAC-Mtl(Northeastern Federation of Anarcho-Communists), the Comité des Sans-Emplois Mtl-Centre and CLAC(anti-capitalist convergence)

For info : 596-7094,,

Dossier G20
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