
Bill Graham's "Dialogue" on Foreign Policy

Anonyme, Mercredi, Janvier 22, 2003 - 22:56


"Welcome to our electronic consultation. This is an opportunity for you to contribute to Canada's foreign policy. You can read the Minister's letter below and the dialogue paper. In response to the paper, you can answer questions and take part in electronic discussion groups."

From the Toronto Star:

"Graham released a policy discussion paper that outlines 12 questions Canadians should consider regarding the future of their foreign policy.

The questions range from exporting Canadian "values" to trade partnerships with emerging markets and soft security issues such as the environment and infectious diseases.

But the matter of foreign aid is not directly addressed, despite widespread criticism of Canada's low overall aid budget and scattergun approach to allocating overseas aid dollars.

The booklet does ask what Canada should do "to help make the benefits of globalization more widely shared within and among all countries."

Other questions address Canada's role in international organizations such as NATO, the G-8, La Francophonie, APEC and others.

"Should our participation in any of these be strengthened or adjusted?" asks the booklet.

The most direct questions deal with the Canadian Armed Forces:

"How does the military best serve Canada's foreign policy objectives: through national and continental defence; combat missions in support of international coalitions; peacekeeping; all of the above?"

The booklet also asks whether Canada's priorities should be combat capability, intelligence gathering or "broader security measures, such as combating environmental degradation and the spread of infectious disease."

Individuals who wish to participate can visit a Web site (; call toll free 1-800-267-8376; or write the Foreign Affairs Department in Ottawa, 125 Sussex Dr., K1A 0G2."

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