The most important site on the most important anarchic thinker of always:ProudhonAnonyme, Dimanche, Décembre 15, 2002 - 20:21 (Communiqués | Economy)
Francisco Trindade
The most important site on the most important anarchic thinker of always:Proudhon Subjects of interest yesterday as today that they can be found in 1- The DIALECTIC and the SOCIAL in PROUDHON 2 - INTRODUCTION TO THE FEDERATIVE PRINCIPLE OF PROUDHON. 3 - TO BE SOCIALIST, TODAY 4 - TOPICS FOR A PHILOSOPHY OF THE WORK IN PROUDHON 5 - PROUDHON CENTURY XXI 6 - PROUDHON: The WAR and the PEACE OR the LOGIC of the FORCE 7 - THE ACTUALITY OF PROUDHON 8 - PROUDHON AND THE FEDERALISM AS SUSTENANCE OF DEMOCRACY DIRECT Downloads gratuitous and integral of the texts
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