
MANIF DE BRUIT pour les personnes arrêtées ce 12 mars

luttecommune, Saturday, March 12, 2011 - 20:21

2011-03-12 21:00
2011-03-12 23:00

English follows

Quelques uns et quelques unes d'entre vous avez peut-être entendu parler que 12 personnes ont été arrêtée aujourd'hui à la manif contre l'austérité. En ce moment, les médias de masse nous disent que 10 de ces personnes ont été accusé de conspiration (article du Métro). Ils et elles ont été ciblé(e)s par une division spéciale de la police (Brigade 31) qui éxécutent des arrestations préventive aux manifestations. Nous ne sommes pas encore certain(e) s'ils et elles seront libéré(e)s ce soir, s'ils et elles ont été accusé(e)s ou autre.

Ce soir nous organisons une manifestation à 21 heures au métro Guy-Concordia, à la sortie de la rue Guy. Le poste de police se trouve entre René-Lévesques et Saint-Antoine, au nord du chemin-de-fer. Apportez des bannières, de la nourriture, des choses pour faire du bruit, vos ami(e)s, etc. Si nos camarades sont libéré(e)s ce soir, ils et elles seront bien content de voir une solidarité active.

SVP passez le mot le plus vite possible!

On comprend que cet appel est dernière minute, mais en ce moment agir en solidarité est impératif. Les accusations de conspiration sont sérieuses et ces arrestations aussi. Nous ne devons pas rester silencieux(euses) face à cette répression.






Hey everyone.

Some of you folks might know that 12 people were arrested today at the
anti-austerity demo downtown. Right now, corporate media is reporting that
10 of those people are getting hit with conspiracy charges (article du Métro).
They were specifically targeted by a special division of the police, Squad
31, which deals with "preventative" arrests at demos. The people arrested
were part of the anti-capitalist/anarchist contingent. Some of them are
people that live in our community, who we know, who are our friends. It is
unclear if they will be released tonight, if they are being charged, or
anything else.

We are organizing a solidarity demo tonight at 9pm at Guy-Concordia metro,
at the rue Guy exit. The police station is in between Rene-Levesque and
Saint-Antoine, just above the tracks. Show up with banners, food,
noisemakers (quite important), friends, whatever ya got. It's likely
they'll be released where they are, so maybe they'll be happy to see all
their friends waiting for them and ready to give them hugs or whatever.

Please call people, send this thing elsewhere, do whatever you need to do.
Please make sure the word of this spreads - and quick!

We know this is short-notice and it sucks if y'all have plans already, but
solidarity is fucking important. Conspiracy charges are a BIG DEAL and so
were the arrests. If anyone can come out and show support for our friends
it would mean a lot right now. We can't let this type of repression take
place in silence.



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Quebec City collective: no longer exist.

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This is an alternative media using open publishing. The CMAQ collective, who validates the posts submitted on the Indymedia-Quebec, does not endorse in any way the opinions and statements and does not judge if the information is correct or true. The quality of the information is evaluated by the comments from Internet surfers, like yourself. We nonetheless have an Editorial Policy , which essentially requires that posts be related to questions of emancipation and does not come from a commercial media.