
Canadian Firm To Shut Down Anarchist Website At Request of American Police

Anonyme, Tuesday, December 14, 2004 - 17:09

The new website, "Anarchism for Kids", which is intended to provide anarchist parents with a source of educational materials and stories for their children is being shut down by the Canadian Firm "NetFirms" under the argument that children should not be taught about anarchism.

The host of the Anarchism for Kids website, according to a group of anti-Arab/anti-Muslim harassers, is going to shut the website down featuring the anarchist children's stories and the argument that childen should not be taught about anarchism. You can direct your complaints and questions to:

1-866-317-4678 (toll free)

You can also follow the link:

to a contact form for NetFirms.

The website threatened with shutdown is:

add your comments

Site is aleady down
Sat, 2004-12-18 12:22

You can use google cache to see it:

Google cache of Anarchism for Kids .

Yannick Delbecque - Cogitateurs Agitateurs

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nouvel url
Sat, 2004-12-18 14:48

Anarchism for kids

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