
LAND AND FREEDOM: Quebec’s First-Ever Radical Ecology Festival

anonyme, Sunday, March 21, 2004 - 19:14


The Liberterre collective and Earth First! Montreal are hosting Quebec’s first-ever radical ecology festival from March 26 to 27, 2004 ..

Land and Freedom:
Quebec’s First-Ever Radical Ecology Festival

The Liberterre collective and Earth First! Montreal are hosting Quebec’s first-ever radical ecology festival from MARCH 26 TO 27, 2004. Walter Hergt, from Vermont’s Institute of Social Ecology, among other radical thinkers, have been invited to give lectures on various perspectives on from the ecological movement, from social ecology to eco-feminism.

Liberterre and Earth First! Montreal are two radical ecology collectives that use popular education to encourage involvement in debates about environmental destruction and various solutions and alternatives. Because there are many perspectives on radical ecology, this festival includes lectures on different ecological theories, some of which are new under-represented and exposed. Some of these include eco-feminism, eco-anarchism, anti-civilisationism, and primitivism .

Liberterre and Earth First! – We are the living rage of a dying planet!


Most activities are free and will be held at le café de La Petite Gaule, 2525 Centre Street, metro Charlevoix. Translation is available (Fr & En).

Friday March 26
17h to 19h: The launching of the Liberterre collective’s journal: “Terre et Liberté

Liberterre collectif web site
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Mon, 2004-03-22 08:26

validation after addition of some formatting for clarity

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