
Resistance in Occupied Palestine: An interview with Ghassan Adoni

omar, Sunday, December 29, 2002 - 19:19

Jaggi Singh

Resistance in Occupied Palestine: A discussion with Ghassan Adoni (ISM co-founder), by Jaggi Singh (for CKUT Radio in Montreal)


Resistance in Occupied Palestine: A discussion with Ghassan Adoni (ISM co-founder), by Jaggi Singh (for CKUT Radio in Montreal)

MP3, Length: 19:11

Ghassan Adoni compares the first and second intifada, talks about the 1936 general strike in Palestine, and discusses the development and role of the International Solidarity Movement (ISM).

CKUT's Community News Department will be distributing at least two reports per week from Jaggi Singh while he is in Occupied Palestine - please broadcast widely.

For more info on the ISM - visit

For CKUT Commmunity News dial 514.398.6787 ext. 2593 or check out

International Solidarity Movement

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