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Free energy revolution or false news? The web’s enigma
by Schietti's Engine Tuesday April 11, 2006 at 02:06 PM

Through the Archimedes’ principle, the force of gravity is turned into kinetic energy and it is possible to produce electric power in a seemingly harmless way: 365 out of 365, 24 hours out of 24, at every latitude and in proportionately bigger and cheaper amounts with regards to solar panels and wind turbines.

Schietti’s engine, the web’s enigma.

Energy revolution or false news?

Domenico Schietti, promoter of 2010: Poverty Elimination, has invented an engine which, by means of the force of gravity and the properties of liquids, seems to be able to produce electric power everywhere: 24 hours a day, 365 days out of 365, in bigger amounts and at a cheaper cost than solar panels and wind turbines.

After so many controversies, Schietti says he’ll start to produce his engine after 2010 when poverty is already eliminated. In the meantime, he suggests that everyone leaves the outskirts of huge cities and builds a simple healthy life free from illusions in the countryside.

(Favelas in Rio de Janeiro)

And it’s not a stupid suggestion. If because of the oil crisis the energy costs increased, how would people with unstable jobs pay their bills?

In the countryside you need a biomass hot-water heater and collect some wood in order to heat a house. Or you can install a geothermic heating pump which exploits the heat coming from the ground. To have electric supply you just need to place some solar panels on the roof or buy a small biomass PTO.

(The countryside near Siena, Tuscany)

But how would people with unstable jobs in the favelas manage to make both ends meet? And the poor in the big outskirts of megalopolis? What if they were prevented to go back to the countryside?

Some of Schietti’s friends rebelled and quit the Free People Association and the campaign 2010: Poverty elimination, decided to produce Schietti’s Engine and to give one to all the people with unstable jobs living in big cities.

A home-size Schietti’s engine would occupy 2 cubic metre, would weigh 250-.330 kilos and would produce 3000€ power every year. If produced on an industrial scale it would cost 5000-9000€.

Let’s now have a look at the images and the description to produce Schietti’s Engine which is also available on the forum.

The sliding bulkhead model to manufacture

To enlarge the image of the Schietti’s engine click on it

Through the Archimedes’ principle, the force of gravity is turned into kinetic energy and it is possible to produce electric power in a seemingly harmless way: 365 out of 365, 24 hours out of 24, at every latitude and in proportionately bigger and cheaper amounts with regards to solar panels and wind turbines.

You need to have a cylinder full of water and a hollow steel ball with a hole on its base, just like an overturned pan. It has to be filled with air at the cylinder base so as to make it come to the surface; it has to be filled with water on the surface so as to go back to the base.

In order to fill the ball with air at the cylinder base you need to use the trick of the red-purple intermediate space which is regulated by two yellow caps and by the blue sliding waterproof bulkheads. Let’s check it out.

Image n°1: the sliding blue bulkhead is drawn back, the yellow cap towards the outer space is opened and the intermediate purple red space is filled with air.

Image n°2: the yellow cap towards the outer space is closed and the yellow cap under the green ball is opened thus rebalancing the pressure between the cylinder and the purple red space. Through the hole the air gets into the hollow ball as if it got into an overturned pan while water replaces it in the purple red intermediate space.

Image n°3: the sliding blue bulkhead is lifted by letting out the water contained in the purple red intermediate space through the hole under the green ball thus making it go back into the cylinder.

Image n° 4: the yellow cap towards the cylinder is closed. The sliding bulkhead is completely lifted and there is neither water nor air in the purple red intermediate space.

So, we go back to Image n° 1: the yellow cap is opened towards the outer space thus balancing the pressure between the purple red intermediate space and the outer space. Then, the sliding blue bulkhead is drawn back by sucking up air from the outer space through the hole recently opened and a new cycle begins.

The movement of the blue sliding waterproof bulkheads happens without any trouble since they’re full of air and are connected to the outer space thanks to a quite big tube which is always open. When they lengthen, they suck up air from the outside and when they contract, they blow it outside.

Energy is produced thanks to the movement of the ball: while going up, the ball develops a force as if it were full of water, even though it is full of air.

A hollow steel ball with a volume of 1 cubic metre and of 50 kilos of weight would be able to lift up to the cylinder a stone of about 950 kilos.

This force is much higher than the one needed to open and close the bulkheads and fill it with air. In order to produce electric power it’s enough to fix a piston on the ball like the one of the piston-engine, or a turbine or a propeller.

To enlarge the image of the Schietti’s engine click on it

Schietti’s engine can also be built on a small scale for every need, even one for each electric household appliance in order to use every TV, washing machine, refrigerator or pc on their own and without a centralised electric plant.

The amount of energy that might be produced depends on the height of the plant, since the power used to fill the ball with air is always the same, while the power released increases according to the cylinder height.

It’s time to build it, ok? Will you help us manufacture it and sort out the power supply problem for all?

Under this link there is a forum about the manufacturing and trading of the Schietti’s engine

The first objection which is usually raised is that it is a perpetual motion.

The Schietti’s engine exploits the force of gravity and the properties of liquids, especially Archimedes’ principle.

Without the force of gravity it doesn’t work, just like a solar panel doesn’t work without the sun or a wind turbine doesn’t work without wind. It’s not a perpetual motion.

Schietti has simply found an energetically convenient way to put air at the cylinder base!

In order to better understand how it works, just check out the movements of the bulkheads in the following image:

To enlarge the image about how the sliding bulkheads work, click on it.

Under this link the forum about the model to manufacture:
The sliding bulkhead model to manufacture

Objections and problems

Everything would look easy and feasible: Schietti has found a way to fill with air a cylinder base full of water which may produce energy while coming to surface.

But why hasn’t Schietti’s engine been produced yet? Why did Schietti give it up until after 2010? Who’s Schietti?

Schietti is the promoter of 2010: Poverty Elimination, the first global campaign to get rid of poverty. The web site of such campaign is translated in 6 languages and, according to statistical data, nearly 30.000 people visit it every day from all over the world.

(La Malinche, Mexico)

This campaign is neglected by big media and organisations but not by ordinary people. It’ not a political or religious campaign. It’s not based on fund raising, choice of political candidates, ideological revolutions, huge pharaonic buildings or religious miracles, but on life choices and changes of habits.

2010 Poverty Elimination promotes ethical consumption, ethical finance, waste recycling, responsible eating, micro credit, smart gifts, energy saving, renewable clean energy, non violence, individual honest and spontaneous initiatives, compulsory civil service for men and women, use of condoms, sport in old age, biodiversity, twinning between schools and hospitals of rich countries with those of poor countries, matching of big media events with projects of international solidarity.

2010: Poverty elimination is thus based on simple, feasible and shareable initiatives. Therefore it’s easy to understand why it is neglected by the media and big organisations.. There’s nothing to gain by suggesting that meat should be replaced with legumes, or people should give a good example or they should separate collection of rubbish. As many say, 2010: Poverty Elimination is a harmless campaign.

It doesn’t have to be helped, but there’s no reason to stop it. Yet, by launching Schietti’s engine on the market, there would be a strong repercussion for those big industries that produce thermoelectric energy. Nobody would buy electricity from nuclear, gas or coal plants any longer. Producers of solar panels, geothermic pumps and wind turbines as well may be damaged.

(Global warming)
Schietti does not mean to harm anyone, therefore he’s decided to keep on devoting himself to 2010: Poverty Elimination.

But the energy problem is rather big. Pollution, due to energy production, is a big issue. The climate change is devastating. Thus, inside 2010: Poverty Elimination there’s been a division. Some want to market Schietti’s engine.

(The Sermeq Kujalleq glacier in Greenland)

No factory is willing to invest millions of euros to promote a product which might be easily copied when launched on the market. No company wants to run risks. The opposition of energy multinationals might even convince governments to ban the manufacturing of Schietti’s engine.

That’s when a pool of people gather to produce Schietti’s engine and give one to every person with unstable job all over the world. A forum is opened and a press campaign on the Internet starts to put pressure on governments so as community undertakes the burden of the manufacturing of Schietti’s engine. They want Schietti’s engine to be like the Public Health Service or Public School: a service given for free by the State.

Great. But does Schietti’s engine actually work??

The objections thet are usually raised are two:

1)you cannot produce self made energy since perpetual motion does not exist

2) to fill the ball with air it takes the same energy that it might be obtained from its motion

Let’s have a look at the answers that are given in the forum.

1) It’s not a perpetual motion. Schietti’s engine exploits the force of gravity and the properties of liquids, especially Archimedes’ principle. Schietti simply puts air at the bottom of a cylinder full of water.

2) Through the intermediate space and the regulation with the caps of the pressure between the outer and intermediate spaces and the cylinder, the air can easily gets into the ball in an energetically convenient way and you obtain a positive energy balance.

(Archimedes’ submarine)

Is it true? Is it false?

I think that to sole the enigma about Schietti’s engine you need to ask yourself these two questions:

- If it were possible to put air at the base of a cylinder full of water in a very convenient way, would it be possible to use it to produce energy?

- Has Schietti been able to find an energetically convenient way to put air at the bottom of a cylinder full of water?

Please, use your head and if in doubt, abstain from it!

The irrefutable evidence that Schietti’s engine produces useful energy

Here is now the winch model of Schietti’s engine. Its functioning is so easy that even a child can understand it.

In the Image n° 1 a balloon plunged in the water comes to the surface thanks to a thrust equal to its volume multiplied by the specific gravity of the liquid in which it is plunged. If we apply this thrust to a pump thanks to a winch system, this thrust will finish inflating the balloon. Therefore, inflating a ball underwater requires just a little energy, almost none, just the energy to initially fill the balloon with enough air in order to operate the winch connected to the pump while coming to the surface.

To enlarge the image of the irrefutable evidence that Schietti’s engine produces useful energy click on it

In Image n°2 we see a cylinder of 20 metres of height. The ball (/overturned pan) is filled with air with the balloon and its volume is 1 cubic metre. Therefore it is possible to attach a burden of 1000 kilos to it (one ton). With just a puff of air, Schietti is able to move up and down and with an uninterrupted perpetual motion something like an elevator until the seventh floor of a building.

To enlarge the image of the winch model click on it

As it was to be demonstrated the energy needed to fill a ball with air remains the same whatever the depth is, while the energy produced while coming to the surface grows according to the cylinder height.

Scientifically speaking

Whatever the depth a body plunged into a liquid is , it receives a thrust upwards equal to the weight of its volume multiplied by the specific gravity of the liquid it is in. Thus, the weight of a body plunged into a liquid corresponds to its volume multiplied by its specific gravity minus its volume multiplied by the specific gravity of the liquid it is in.

Therefore, any body plunged into a liquid, even a ball of air, whatever the depth in which it is into is, has the same weight, the same pressure, the same thrust upwards and the same volume. Whatever the depth of a liquid, a ball of air has the same weight, the same internal pressure, the same volume and the effort to inflate it is the same.

For three years about 5000 engineers have given Schietti false data, therefore no engineer, when they studied that the air changed its volume according to the depth it was into, has never verified whether it was true. Consequently, physics is not a science but an ideology and engineers are not scientists, but dangerous fanatics without scruples.

Whatever the depth, the pressure of a ball of air is equal to its volume multiplied by the specific gravity of the liquid it is into since, whatever the depth, the thrust it receives is the same, that is, upwards and it is equal to its volume multiplied by the specific gravity of the liquid it is into.

If a ball of air receives this thrust, its pressure and volume will vary according to such thrust and if this thrust is the same whatever the depth is, its pressure and volume will be the same at any depth.

Therefore the water plunged has no weight since it receives an upward thrust equal to its volume multiplied by the specific gravity it is into, that is, equal to its weight. The liquid above a plunged blody does not gravitate on the plunged body, since it has no weight: it is getting an upward thrust equal to a gravitational thrust downwards.

A liquid gets weight and pressure when it has nothing below which may prevent its gravitational fall. Assuming that a liquid is in a container, it will get weight and pressure when the container gets pierced. The liquid inside would, therefore, flow downwards looking for a rebalancing with a zero thrust. Don’t try this with people underwater. It’s dangerous and requires a great experience. You risk your life. Schietti’s motor doesn’t need to breathe, it’s not a living being! (a diver is full of holes where water would flow into, don’t’ try this underwater with living beings, they’re full of holes and need breathing).

(Archimedes’ bust)

Carletto Sauro:

Under this link the forum about the model to manufacture:
The sliding bulkhead model to manufacture

Press release for the media:
Energy revolution or false news? The web’s enigma!

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